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Everything posted by phscale

  1. Hi, Where did you find one?? Many thanks, Paul
  2. phscale

    By phscale

    All images taken with a Celestron 8 Edge HD with 0.7x focal reducer on a EQR6 Pro mount. Main camera ZWO ASI 294 mc pro.
  3. phscale

    Pacman nebula

    From the album: By phscale

  4. phscale

    Bubble Nebula

    From the album: By phscale

  5. From the album: By phscale

    Addition of stars to image using Ancient Photons Astrophotography (Youtube) - Debloat your stars tutorial.

    © phscale

  6. phscale

    NGC2244 centre

    From the album: By phscale

    © phscale

  7. phscale


    From the album: By phscale

    © @phscale

  8. phscale


    From the album: By phscale

    © phscale

  9. phscale


    From the album: By phscale

  10. phscale


    Thank you. I am still trying my best to get my head around PixInsight. Tutorials on Youtube have helped immensely. Clear skies, Paul
  11. phscale


    From the album: By phscale

    © phscale

  12. Original image deleted by mistake!!
  13. phscale


    From the album: By phscale

    © phscale

  14. From the album: By phscale

    © phscale

  15. phscale

    ELEPHANT6 (4).jpg

    From the album: By phscale

    © phscale

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