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  1. Hello Bill, 

    Just tested my Arduino without the sensors connected & get the same error you're getting (I'm using SGPo)... once you have all your components do a pre-build test & let me know if you still have issues.



    1. A320Flyer


      Hi Peter

      Great. That’s really good to know. I’ll let you know as soon as I get a build done. 
      How is it been working for you?  I’ve built a simple rain sensor and that works ok. It would be good to get the cloud detection working.


    2. whipdry


      I'm only using it as a monitor as my ROR only just clears my parked mount when opening, it's only millimetres!

      For some reason the IR sensor reading was way out when first tried it, from memory something like minus 180C. With trial & error managed to sort this by restricting the veiw & eventually got it within the safety monitors range.

      It's possible to adjust the IR sensor firmware but never sorted how to gain access! 



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