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Everything posted by SyintheSky

  1. Yes it will be a Heat - Water - Steam - Turbine method to produce the electricity, with the benefits of reduced and almost zero radiological waste. The constant fusing of Tritium and deuterium will be what keeps the process going. But due to the high amounts of power needed to keep the magnetic fields in place, they overheat very quickly. But with this test they were able to keep the process going for 5 seconds, which may not sound like a lot, but I remember last time they broke the record, they had kept the process going for only a second. In this 5 seconds of plasma confinement they managed to produce enough electricity to power a kettle for 11hrs, was the example i was given. But if you look at the amount of energy produced from fusion to burning coal or gas, it's in the range of something like 4 million times more. So yeah, we need fusion.
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