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Everything posted by Frosth76

  1. I decided to build my own mini roll off roof observatory and in the process I made 20 videos documenting every step. Here is the link to the first video in the series: https://youtu.be/SODNs_JZMng Here is a link to my playlist with all 20 videos: Youtube playlist
  2. My journey into astro photography started about 6 months ago and I have since then thirsted for knowledge in both hardware and software and also in image processing. I thought I'd share my collected and humble knowledge in a gathered process flow described in 4 video tutorials in image processing in PixInsight. PixInsight Tutorial Part 1: Pre-Processing Image Calibration https://youtu.be/V7AWdkt0Yhg PixInsight Tutorial Part 2: Pre-Processing Image Approval and Integration https://youtu.be/cTeYR2u9LZE PixInsight Tutorial Part 3: Linear Image Processing https://youtu.be/EOzWpwmmv24 PixInsight Tutorial Part 4: Non-Linear Image Processing https://youtu.be/sOqHZ_p0_ZQ
  3. In my first video on how to adjust your HEQ5 Pro mount I covered how you can adjust the worm drive carrier position to minimize the backlash on both the DEC and RA axis. In the second video on this subject, I showed you how to easily adjust the alignment of the worm gear, the middle transfer gear, and the stepper motor gear for both the DEC and RA axis inside the gearbox. In this video I will show you how to install the Rowan belt modification kit, replacing the original gears inside the gearbox connecting the DEC and RA motors with the worm drive axis. https://youtu.be/bJgoZh5V96M
  4. Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula, 2022-02-18. 24x300s S-II, 35x300s Ha, 35x300s O-III, gain 120, bortle 4 with a total integration time of 7,8 hours. Processed with a classic SHO (Hubble) palette with HA stars. SkyWatcher EvoStar 80ED Pro (0,85x FR/FF) and ZWO ASI294MM Pro on SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro with SkyWatcher EvoGuide 50ED and ZWO ASI120MM Mini. ZWO SII, Ha, and OIII filters. Image processing with PixInsight.
  5. I recently made the decision to move into the world of mono, instead of getting a dedicated color astro camera. I knew that I wanted to go there eventually but hesitated due to the cost and need of filters. But during the holidays I found a very nice package deal on the ZWO ASI294MM Pro with a 7x36mm filter wheel and LRGB + SHO filter kits from ZWO and couldn’t resist. In this video I will do a short review, unboxing of the products, installation and configuration, show you how to handle the amp glow and compare images, both individual subs and processed images between the Canon 60D DSLR (with and without filter) with the ASI294MM Pro. As a bonus, I will include the configuration and operation of setting the focus offsets for all filters in Astro Photography Tool. Similar configuration can be made in all popular acquisition software. https://youtu.be/d1lk5rd5Upw
  6. I feel like I have reached a milestone, almost like graduation in some ways. I have spent countless hours on the Internet and on Youtube researching this hobby, different equipment, software, processing techniques and finally climbed over the threshold. It’s been only 5 months since I bought my first telescope and took my very first image of the Andromeda Galaxy with a DSLR. I since then have tried to learn everything there is to learn, and I’m a kind of person that want to know everything right away. So about one month ago I decided to go over to the world of mono and narrowband imaging. I quickly tested the equipment and fell in love in the first image that the camera produced and the processing options available. Over the past weeks I have been gathering data on this project, the Rosette Nebula, and you could say this is my very first image, processed in SHO with HA stars. https://youtu.be/g_2oO6oS_vU
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