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Posts posted by Gfamily

  1. What are you trying to focus on?  Start with something bright - the Moon if it's visible, or Jupiter (or even a distant streetlight). If you know you have something bright properly centred in the field of view, then you can start adjusting the gain and the exposure to get the image on the screen.  

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Dave scutt said:

    I just purchased a Skywatcher Star Adventurer and a samjang lens to do long exposures but I've miss placed the polar scope illuminator so i haven't used it yet 

    You shouldn't need a dedicated polar scope illuminator - just shine a red-light torch roughly across the open end of the polarscope and move it around - it should illuminate enough for you to see the polar clock reticule.

    ETA - the Star Adventurer is compact enough so you should be able to do this comfortably. 

    • Like 1
  3. If all your older devices were set up to use TeamViewer using the old router, but your new laptop was only set up under the new router,  that might explain why the old router can't get remote access to it. 

    Might it be worth a try to swap over your home network router to the old one and reinstall TeamViewer on the new laptop?

    Not confident at all that it'll work, but you never know.

  4. If people are interested in visiting the Kielder Observatory, here's some lessons learned from our recent visit to the NE of England. 

    The Observatory is at the top of a 2km track, for pre-booked vehicles only, and the carpark at the bottom is £2 for 1 hour (not long enough) or £5 for all day. (that said, we were there on a cold November Friday and took 90+ minutes and we didn't get a ticket having only paid for 1 hour). Make sure you have plenty of coins as payment is by cash only. Away from the towns, phone signals are fleeting, so don't expect to be able to look things up unless you're lucky. 

    It's a nice walk up though - with signs on the way up representing the distances to the planets - Neptune by the Car Park, and the Sun near the top.  If you're not on an arranged visit, there's not a lot to see at the Observatory itself. It's a lovely building in a great site, but there's not a visitor centre or any facilities as such.

    We stayed at the Bellingham Camping and Caravanning Club site, which is about 25 minutes from the Car Park - the campsite is very positive about its location in a Dark Sky area - it minimises the amount of lighting across the site - and it holds its own Astronomy Star Parties.  We took our binoculars and small refractor, but only managed a short session of observing as the rain swept through at very regular intervals. 


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  5. 42 minutes ago, Mandy D said:

    Sorry, not sure what your complaint is. The masking of a corner will positively identify that corner in your image, regardless of optics.

    I think it's a fair question - if you consider a dSLR, the lens produces an inverted image on the sensor, but what's saved (or output to the image capture software) is restored to the 'correct' alignment, so a piece of dust at the bottom of the sensor will actually affect the top of the output image. 

    If you're using an astro imaging camera it's not obvious (to me at least) whether the same 'correction' applies. 

    However, as you point out - masking a corner of the sensor will clarify for the OP how to relate the sensor position to the camera output.  

    • Like 1
  6. Liverpool Astronomical Society, in conjunction with Liverpool Library and World Museum have arranged a day to mark the 50 years since the last Apollo mission. 

    10th December - 9:30 to 3:30 - free for all. 

    There will be talks, activities, and Solar Observing (weather dependent) on the roof. It is hoped that 8 or 9 local astronomical societies will be there. 


    • Like 3
  7. 25 minutes ago, DMoon said:

    Hi All

    I'm close to Wigan if there are any fellow pie-eaters on here 🙂

    I've already posted in the beginners forum but thought I would say hello here.

    I'm an absaloute novice in this area. My son showed an interest in astronomy and suggested a scope for Christmas, buying a scope has been on my radar for some time so its probably going to be a joint gift! 

    There is so much information about when choosing a scope, I must have decided on around 5 scopes before changing my mind... the price seemed to go up each time I changed my mind too! Decided on a Skywatcher 200P Dob, we won't travel much with it and we are only interested in visual astronomy for now.

    In time it would also be good to attend a club meeting, I see there are lots of them locally, Bolton and Salford in particular.

    I'll stop rambling now, looking forward to the steep learning curve ahead!


    If you want to come in to Liverpool on Saturday 10th, there is a "50 years since Apollo 17" day at the Central Library and World Museum.  There are talks etc, and it's hoped that there'll be 7 or 8 Astro societies from around the area.  

    It's being organised by the Liverpool AS, but if you drop by the Mid Cheshire AG table I'll say hello. 

    If you and your son are into camping - I can thoroughly recommend going to a Star Party with your scope.  These are particularly good for people sharing advice, showing how they use kit and the like.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for that; it's an interesting thought. 

    My 'perspective' is that if the distance between the Earth and the Sun is scaled to 1 inch (the length of the tip of your thumb), then 1 light year is 1 mile (1.6km) and the nearest star is 4.2 miles (6.7km) away. 

    When Bessel measured the parallax of the star 61 Cygni in 1838 it was the equivalent of measuring the parallax of something about 13 miles (21km) away just by comparing the view using the left eye and then the right. 

    • Like 3
  9. There's been a recent thread about what people's favourite magazine, and to be honest, it's very much a personal choice.

    Unfortunately, it seems that the magazines on newsagents' shelves are usually released in plastic wrappers so you can't easily browse them to see which you prefer

    If you have a local astro society it may be worth getting in touch and seeing if anyone can bring some examples along to have a look at. 

  10. 41 minutes ago, markse68 said:

    I think that is key to Roger Penrose's theory of conformal cyclic cosmology- that at the heat death of this universe there will only be photons left and they don't "experience" time so space scales become meaningless and what is infinite can become miniscule and go bang again. Or something like that

    Which begs the question of when will the universe know that across the scale of the universe there is nothing else but photons - of course this can never be 'known'  - at least not under the current cosmology.  

  11. 8 minutes ago, Paul M said:

    Space, as an empty void, has never made sense to me.

    I find it equally difficult to understand why space exists.


    I know physics talks about space being created in the Big Bang, but maybe that is a different kind of space that existed before there was a Universe?

    But... If time = space and there was an instance of zero time maybe there was zero space. And without time as a yardstick does space mean anything?

    Space is a measure of the separation between objects 

    Another measure is the separation between events, and this is what we call time.

    Relativity tells us that they aren't independent - or at least people who understand relativity tell us this. 

    One of the ways of understanding the expansion of the universe is that there is a 'scale factor' that determines how the space between objects is increasing as time progresses. 

    I don't understand this either.  

    ETA  - But I have a telescope that shows me things, and other people have other devices that show me other things. And they give me joy (and sometimes a pretence of understanding).

    • Like 3
  12. 15 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

    ...though in some rarefied regions of theoretical physics it has been suggested that space may be illusory. 

    I can see one way that that could be true ... 

     Let us suppose that there are two options

    • There is a real universe with laws and stuff - and we're in this. This Universe is real and exists. 
    • We are living in a simulation on some superior intelligence's super computer. We're all here, all existing, all interacting, all seeing, all detecting, all experiencing the simulation's laws and stuff

    If we are in the simulation, it's not likely that there's only one instance of the simulation - what would be the point of that? So, we expect that if it were a simulation, there are multiple simulations. 

    Even if there are only two, that makes it a 2:1 shot that the universe is illusory - if 100, then it's 99% likely that we live in a simulation, and our experiences are illusory. 

    Personally, I don't think there's any evidence that we do live in a simulation - but it's something to consider for a different perspective. 

  13. 38 minutes ago, iantaylor2uk said:

    I doubt very much anyone born before 1900 would have been able to imagine the transistor.

    Do you mean in terms of "what it is", or "what it does" ?

    "What it is" is a semiconductor device with 3 terminals

    "What it does" is act as an amplifying device or as a simple switch.

    It is clearly possible that someone could imagine what a transistor does - after all, that's what thermionic valves can do, and the first valves date not much later than 1900.

    I'm not sure what this means in terms of thinking about alternative life forms, but it's clear that we can think of how we might recognise intelligence in other beings even if the beings aren't based on carbon and DNA, but there may be forms of intelligence that we wouldn't be able to imagine until we came across them. 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, 900SL said:

    Imagine a water world where evolution has resulted in dextrous communal octopus like lifeforms, capable of conscious thought, able to communicate, use tools and tell jokes about sharks. 

    No fire. No industrialization. Superb nuanced conversation, but no radio. 

    It's possible that octopuses are already there - certainly they're capable of using tools, they are impressive problem solvers, so I wouldn't rule out being capable of conscious thought - not sure if they tell jokes though, they are primarily solitary living, so finding an audience may be an issue. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, wimvb said:

    3. Two winter guests
    I don’t know how these two lacewings got in my scope, because a Mak-Newt is supposed to be a closed tube design. For the time being, these two critters can stay where they are. Most likely they will die when it gets really cold, and the bodies will end up behind the primary mirror. If I ever get the Feathertouch focuser that I ordered, I will need to open the tube anyway, at which time I will try to remove them.

    I don't specifically know about Mak Newts, but the Mirror cell on a Newt is often somewhat free floating from the tube walls, so although it's closed at the top, it's not necessarily hermetically sealed at the mirror end. 

    I managed to leave one of my Mak Cass's stored without a cover to the visual back and got a spider inside.  I can only guess it starved to death. :(

    An Oil Filter removal wrench* allowed me to remove the front correction plate and clear away my unwanted guest and the remains of its web


    * get one with a strap rather a chain** (hopefully you'd realise that a chain wouldn't be appropriate) - also, before removing the correcting plate, use 2 pieces of tape on the OTA and the end collar to allow you to return it to the original alignment. 

    ** top tip - also useful for very stuck jamjar lids.  

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Paul M said:

    It all makes me wonder; what progress has there been in manned spaceflight in the last 50 years?

    Calling it 'crewed spaceflight' is a significant progress for one !!!

    Not much less seriously was the following... 

    • At our Astro Club meeting this evening, I mentioned that it was the 49th anniversary launch of the last Skylab mission. This lasted almost 3 months and gave rise to a significant reappraisal of the workloads expected from astronauts.
    • Less significantly, at the nom nom level, there have been advances in astronaut nutrition options - feeding a very "tech  crew" for 10/20 days is very different to the expectations of a 'sci /maint crew' for multiple months 


  17. Apologies if I've missed it, but I don't think I've seen any mention of the newest Luke Jerram art creation on here. 

    I'm sure many of us have seen his previous pieces, Museum of the Moon and Gaia (for those not familiar, they are 7 metre diameter globes with high resolution surface images of the Moon and Earth respectively). 

    We've been to see these in a number of locations - although  they are the same physical entities, I find that my response varies depending on their location - so it's worth travelling to see them in different locations if you can. 

    Anyhow, I've just seen that his 2019 creation, Mars, is now touring  - using NASA MRO imaging, it'll provide the same experience of the Red Planet.

    Until the 28th November, it'll be at the Morecambe Winter Gardens, and if you can't see it there, keep an eye on the https://my-mars.org/tour-dates/ website.    


    • Like 1
  18. On 12/11/2022 at 18:36, Gfamily said:

    A trip to the USA included a trip to Las Vegas, where I met Bill Vorce ( a scope parts re-seller) who provided me with a couple of EPs and a Barlow lens for $100. 

    A footnote to this. 

    Prior to our visit, I had been looking out for somewhere that I might be able to divert to a decent astronomy equipment store.  At the time, Scope City was fairly well established as a Bricks & Mortar store, but the only one we'd be near was in LasVegas. 

    So, on our first morning in LV, we dropped by the store and had a look inside.

    When I said what I was looking for, one of the assistants gave me a sideways look and said "How about we go out on the terrace? "

    - with me a little bit unsure about what he meant, he picked up a scope and said out loud "Let's see what you think of this one".  Once on the terrace, and out of earshot of any manager, he advised that we couldn't do better than getting in touch with Bill (who had the fairly well established online Telescope Warehouse store)  - and gave us Bill's LV address and a phone number

    So we got in touch, and went to visit Bill (and his cats) while he gave us his suggestions for EPs and the Barlow.

    I have to say that Scope City have at least one very good staff member (or at least they did 20+ years ago) - though I'm not sure that  Scope City would be happy to hear how they were helpful.

    • Like 3
  19. 8 hours ago, mr saddo said:

    Nope still won't let me down load, his it because ive downloaded it on the phone? I've read that google apps are not allowed on Windows?

    I've no idea why it's not letting you download the Windows version - of course, you can't run an Android app on a Windows PC (unless you use an emulator of course), but the Windows version should be downloadable and runnable - unless you're using a limited access profile on a PC / laptop provided by your employer or something.  

  20. First scope was a 4.5" Newtonian with GOTO - about 25 years ago. It originally came with 0.925" EPs, but I managed to get an adapter so that I could use 1.25" EPs.  A trip to the USA included a trip to Las Vegas, where I met Bill Vorce ( a scope parts re-seller) who provided me with a couple of EPs and a Barlow lens for $100. 

    I wanted to step up and have a more portable set-up, so bought a 102mm Mak on a Synscan mount - I would have preferred the 127mm, but finances and young family meant I had to settle for the smaller scope - which was really a disappointment; good for Moon and Planets, but inadequate for fainter DSOs - and too narrow a field of view for open clusters. 

    As finances improved, I bought a Meade LS 8" scope - optically this was great, but the software was a constant source of frustration as  GOTO was definitely flaky (by coincidence, FB has reminded me this evening that I bought it exactly 9 years ago). 

    About 6 years ago, I found someone locally selling their 127mm Mak for a very good price - this very quickly became my favourite scope, especially when I paired it with the Az GTi mount I bought later. 

    A couple of years ago I was offered the loan of a lovely 72mm ED refractor by Sue at Astrofarm France.  As it was during the shutdown,  Sue was happy for me to bring it home to UK on a long loan basis, returning it a year later. So if you go out to Astrofarm France, you too can enjoy it (alongside the larger scopes and mounts out there). I was happy to return it to Sue though, as I had found one on ebay, and was fortunate to buy it for a relatively low bid. 

    This is now definitely my favourite scope - and has re-ignited my love for the hobby - crisp contrasty views, and (despite the short focal length) capable of taking decent amounts of magnification before getting too soft. 


    • Like 4
  21. 43 minutes ago, mr saddo said:

    Hi,  how do you get the skywatcher app on a windows 10 computer?  The down load button his grayed our, it says available for all devices but it's grayed out. Another thing his iam trying to connect to stellarium, says connected using a usb astro link cable from flo, but the scope won't move, it's  on  the correct com port. I can connect via wi fi to cares du ciel. I have read all the posts regarding this, yours Paul.

    Are you downloading from https://skywatcher.com/download/software/synscan-app/ ? 

    The download button is working for me - it looks grey, but mouseover turns it black 

    You should be able to download version 2.0.13 direct from this link https://inter-static.skywatcher.com/downloads/synscanpro_windows_2013_repack.zip 


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