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Justin P

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Posts posted by Justin P

  1. Hi all

    I have a Tak EM-1 mount which I think is now over 20 years old.

    I don’t have a tripod for it - and am searching for a solution. If anyone has an EM-1 mounted on a Berlebach I’d be very keen to hear from you. I have been in touch with Berlebach directly and they have suggested an EM-200 tripod head - but sadly this doesn’t fit the (very) old EM-1.


  2. 6 hours ago, Zermelo said:

    There is also an excellent BBC radio series, 13 minutes to the moon.

    From around episode 9 it covers the decent, including those 1201/1202 alarms).

    The same team went on to do further episodes about the Apollo 13 story.

    I have been listening to this podcast and agree totally Zermelo ! It’s a really fascinating series. Really would recommend it.


    best wishes Justin 

    • Like 1
  3. The Vixen certainly seems to be popular - I’m still not fully set up but purchased a GP and a GPDX recently - after many many hours of reading and taking advice. If mounted properly and well looked after they’re hard to beat for the outlay.

    • Like 4
  4. 16 hours ago, MalcolmM said:

    Thanks all!

    @Justin P I went round the houses a few times on the choice of BB. I was originally going to get one of the Vixen tripods but various posts and pictures from @JeremyS (and others) persuaded me I simply had to get a BB! A Report was my first choice (and I still suspect it might have been a better choice as the mount is quite light) but I felt I wanted the option of putting a bigger scope on and having a rock solid base so a UNI seemed the next step up. I didn't want too much height so it came down to the 18 or the 8 and the 8 was a bit lighter and had a smaller fold down size. I must admit their range is a bit bewildering. I'm still not sure I can see the difference between the UNI 4 and 8. 

    FLO were very good and ordered it for me even though it was not listed on their website .


    Great thanks for the info. I’m some time off buying one but it’s the end goal ! I have been looking at the Planet - I’m intending to only ever buy one and so this seems a fairly good way of future proofing the purchase. Will take another look at the model you went for though. Incidentally, do you not find yourself ‘stooping’ to reach the eyepiece ? I went out last week with a friend and found it quite difficult to keep steady when stooped down leaning into the telescope if that makes sense - so assumed a larger tripod perhaps with a small pier would be the most comfortable option.

  5. On 21/02/2022 at 23:04, F15Rules said:

    The Tal 100r I had some years back would take the Tak prism physically, but had only about 30-40mm of travel, which could make focusing a problem...

    ..but for your 831 (lovely scope, is it adapted for 1.25" diagonals?) the Tak would be a great match as Mike says👍.


    Thankyou Dave. So, the .965 to 1.25 adapter is sorted, as is the Tak prism. The 100R is causing me a headache.

    As you have identified there is very limited travel on the focuser …. Perhaps the subject of another topic.

    Best, Justin.

  6. 4 hours ago, dweller25 said:

    I would compare the Orion Optics service cost with a new Skywatcher 8” Dob as the mirror quality will be very similar…..


    Also it may be worth Googling Orion Optics to find other peoples opinions.


    Thank you David, much appreciated. Funnily enough I have passed this link onto a friend and he purchased one immediately - a little off topic but a happy customer !

    Im keen not to add to the collection so this is a restore or pass on job. Thanks again for the reply though. 

    Best, Justin 

  7. Hi all,

    alongside some other rather ‘vintage’ scopes that I have is an 8 inch Orion Optics Europa reflector scope.

    Its an old one, and I believe has a 1/4 wave mirror (although I confess to not knowing much more than this !)

    Long story short I contacted Orion and apparently the mirror would benefit from a re-coat and potentially a new focuser. 

    Its not a massive spend ( but it’s not insignificant either) - I’d be interested to hear if anyone has had a service such as this completed - and most importantly what the results were in terms of performance ? Thanks in advance for any feedback.



  8. 21 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

    Swift are really Takahashi, so I'd suggest you treat your beautiful Swift to a Takahashi 1.25" prism diagonal. These are superb quality and allow for exquisite images with no light scatter.


    Thanks for this info - it does open up a few more questions.... 

    There seems to be a lot of chat on prisms v’s mirror diagonals - having said that if your happy with yours and you think it will suit the swift I think  I’ll go with this.

    Incidentally I also have a Tal 100r, I assume it would be good for both ?

    thanks justin 

    • Like 1
  9. Hi all,

    I’m after a little advice please. I have made some recent purchases including a mount and Swift 831, so I’m keen to get (re) started.....

    Long term my intentions are to have excellent eyepieces and an excellent diagonal - but my budget at this stage can’t cope.

    Please could I hear your views on a good - but cost effective - diagonal for an old but well regarded Swift 831........

    In addition I need some eyepieces -  longer term the TV, or Pentax range of kit is on my mind - but I’m after something to get started with - something that generates a bang for the buck so to speak. I’m a glasses wearer so eye relief is a must. Viewing will be mainly lunar and planetary - but id like to use the odd wide field too - If my budget permits.

    Any opinions / thoughts welcome.

    Best wishes, Justin 

  10. 9 hours ago, johninderby said:

    AeroShell 33 is about the best grease available. Rowan use it to lubricate their mounts. You won’t find it your local shop though and will have mail order it. An aircraft maintenance place will have it but not in small quantities..

    Thanks John 

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