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Everything posted by Josh123SV

  1. Hello all As the title says, the sesto senso won’t connect to the Intel NUC on windows 11. I have downloaded the correct drivers (I think but maybe I have done something wrong?) and I have the correct 12v supply. In device manager, there is no “other devices” section and under the COM section it shows COM3 and I believe that this is the one that focuser is connected to. Also, In Bluetooth and other devices in settings, it appears that the focuser is FT230X Basic UART. what am I doing wrong, and how can I fix? many thanks, Josh
  2. Hello all, My recently purchased second-hand NEQ6 pro mount is not connecting to my Syntrek controller nor my synscan controller. When I purchased it, the Syntrek controller would connect just fine and move the mount perfectly. I then wanted to connect my synscan remote from my old EQ5 mount, but I had to buy a DSUB 9 male to RJ45 cable. When I connected the controller to the rj45 and the mount to the dsub, the mounts red LED light power would turn off immediately. I tried connecting it first and then turning on the power, but to no avail. The synscan remote I believe is not to blame here because it was working perfectly with my EQ5 when I last used about a month ago. After connecting the synscan to the mount and not working, I thought the issue was with the power. I then connected the mount using the car cigarette power lead, and then connecting synscan. This did not work and now the red light in the cigarette plug thing won’t turn on. In addition, when I connect the Syntrek, the whole thing keeps flashing red, but won’t properly turn on and there is no response from mount, but power light is on. How can I fix this? And how can I get the Synscan remote to connect to the mount without issues? IMG_0978.mov
  3. Greetings, Looking to broaden my Astrophotography horizons with a camera lens. I currently have a canon 500d and 18-55mm standard kit lens. Because I don't really know what I am doing and I don't have much money, my budget is very low around £50-100 and I am mainly just looking at the second hand market such as Ebay and FB marketplace. I have heard some good things about old lenses and most are within my budget. As well as what are the question posed in the title, what should I look for in a camera lens? I am not looking for milky-way widefield images, but mainly Orion nebula/horsehead neb widefield. Additionally, I live in a Bortle 7 and have an EQ5 pro Mount. Many thanks and Clear skies, Josh
  4. Greetings all, I have had my EQ5 synscan mount for approximately a couple of months, and it has proven itself to be fairly good. Ordinarily, 2 star alignment has been easy for me, only taking a couple of minutes with good polar alignment. Also, the first star that the mount slews to is usually only a few degrees from the centre of my crosshairs. However, today I was left disappointed and incredibly frustrated after the mount kept being off by HUGE amounts. My first star to align at is usually Sirius which is around 16 degrees above horizon and the mount tends to slew to within a couple degrees of this. Today, the synscan mount went -15 below horizon. Additionally, The RA was spot on but it was just the dec that was off. Therefore, I believe the issue lies with the synscan remote talking to the declination motor. My Polar alignment was very accurate today. I have tried solving this issue by turning the mount off and on the mount, changing the RA and Dec cables and factory resetting the mount, but none of these worked. Does anybody know how to solve this issue? Clear skies and working equipment! 😂 Josh Is there any solution to this problem and if so, how may it be achieved
  5. From the album: Josh123SV

    M42 - Orion Nebula Setup: - Skywatcher 200pds - EQ5 goto mount - Canon 500d unmodified - Optolong UHC filter Acquisition with Astrophotography Tool: - 100 light frames at 30 seconds (50 minutes worth of exposure) - 30 darks - 30 bias I stacked the images using DSS, and SiriL was used as my main processing software. In SiriL, I used colour calibration and Histogram transformation, as well as changing the black points and tweaking with saturation, stretch and contrast. After this, I noticed that some noise was still prevalent, so I went to GIMP to reduce noise on this image. The Optolong UHC is a great filter that has significant reduced the light pollution in my Bortle 7 backyard, and increased the redness of the M42. With only 50 minutes worth of 30 second exposures, I'm pretty happy with this image. Being a beginner, any tips and feedback are greatly appreciated. Especially on how to remove the red space background. Many Thanks Josh
  6. Josh123SV


    Currently running: Skywatcher 200pds eq5 goto canon 500d unmodded
  7. Hello everyone I am relatively new to the world of astrophotgraphy and autoguiding. My current setup is: Skywatcher 200pds, eq5 goto mount, canon 500d (unmodified), and my autoguiding system is a stock skywatcher 9x50 finderscope and a qhy5ii-m guide camera. I had just purchased an adapter to connect my finderscope to qhy camera and was eager to see if it all worked, on the first clear night. Everything seemed to be going smoothly with the odd hiccup but nothing that was unfixable. I had all the necessary ASCOM drivers and all the necessary equipment. Yet, for the love of me, I could not find a solution as to why PHD2 said 'RA calibration failed, star did not move enough'. After about 61 West Steps, this popup immediately appears. I have previously seen this question posed on Cloudy Nights forum at: https://www.cloudyni...not-move-enough. I have since used the PHD2 calculator, yet this did not resolve the issue. And I have uninstalled and reinstalled PHD2. Also, the guide star does appear to move a little bit. Additionally, I was pointing around 15 degrees and I could see plenty of stars in FOV. I will attach a PHD2 log so you can see what the issue may be with this and how to troubleshoot this. Any response is greatly appreciated, Josh PHD2_GuideLog_2022-03-25_161817 21.18 pm.txt
  8. I recently purchased a QHY5II guide camera and I currently have a skywatcher 9x50 finderscope. However, I am wondering how I can attach that camera to this finderscope. Also, what adapters would I need for this attachment and am I better of buying a normal cheap guidescope? many thanks josh
  9. Hello, I currently have a Sky-Watcher 200p + goto eq5 Mount and I am looking to do some imaging with the t7c Astrocamera before I upgrade to a new camera and use the t7c as a guide camera. I am looking to deep sky astrophotography and I’m sure the scope and Mount are worthy of this but I am wondering if the t7c camera is truly any good for beginner deep sky astrophotography? Also, I am not looking for any demanding targets, just some of the more brighter objects. Lastly and most importantly, how is the t7c’s compatibility with MacBooks and PHD2? Many thanks Josh
  10. Lastly, how does this compare with an evostar 72ed for a £30 difference
  11. Hello everyone, I have been looking at a Meade LXD55 Schmidt Newtonian telescope second hand for around £280. In good condition. is this a good deal? And how is this telescope for imaging with a DSLR (I know it’s quite old)? Also, what is the weight of this telescope? Many thanks Josh
  12. Thanks for the comment, The battery is fine and the red led lights up when turned on. I observed for around 10 minutes today and noticed no movement. I am not sure whether the thumbscrew is aligned with the flat surface. I will check that today.
  13. Hi there, I have a Meade Polaris 130 telescope on an EQ2 mount which came with a motor drive, however I noticed that the motor drive is unable to actually move the telescope along the Right ascension axis. Have any of you had this problem with a motor drive? I have attached some images of it on the telescope and would just like some feedback as to whether I am doing something incorrect. Many thanks Josh
  14. I recently bought a Meade Polaris 130mm telescope Newtonian reflector and I am quite disappointed. I know that with a beginner telescope you should have low expectations with planetary and deep sky viewing, is which I did. However, I noticed that even with collimation, good atmospheric conditions, allowing telescope to cool to air temp, appropriate magnification (around 120) , not viewing over rooftop and viewing when Jupiter is high in the sky, I still could not see any of the cloud belts in Jupiter nor the Great Red Spot, which I heard should be visible. I currently live in a bortle class 6 area, but my viewing area is relatively enclosed in my garden so not much excess light can enter. So, my question is whether these eyepieces are of poor quality (and If so, which should I buy), is this telescope not good or if I am just doing something wrong. many thanks, josh
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