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Pics taken at Turf Hill, New Forest on 6th/7th Aug 2011. 1st M27 Dumbbell Nebula - single 5 min sub, Canon 5d2 + AP 152 f9 on nEQ6 - full frame image shown, just reszied for SGL limits to sub 1200x1200 pixels. Minimal PP - 1 curves & slight tweaks


From the album:

6th Aug 2011 Turf Hill

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Thx Martyn - yes it was an amazingly surprising night - I still can't believe it turned out as brilliant as it was!

Focal length is approx 1350mm & the camera is a full frame sensor (same as 35mm film negative - 24mm x 36mm) 21mp & the image shown has not been cropped - just resized down to fit in the 1200 pixel SGL limit. I was having some setup/guiding issues & I think/hoping that this is the cause of the mis-shaped stars......but it is early days & I have loads of things to follow up on.

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thx Rob........got to sort out the less than stellar stars.....

I was amazed however at the colour that came with this single shot - I don't think I have played much with the colour post process other than to play with curves & levels a little.

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It was a real shame that here was not enough hours in the night... We had a great time, but could have done with more time on imaging...

Great shot though :)

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......if the night had not felt so short (after I had stopped 'messing about' on the visual side ;-) ) I would probably have re-done my alignment Like you Keiran......but I knew I was compromised in other areas for imaging anyway.....

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