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The Hamburger Galaxy, not my best image as it's quite low in the northern sky from my location and I was exposing while shooting over house roofs which, no doubt, caused thermal currents and destabilised the star and object light.

NGC 3628 is a unbarred spiral galaxy, located about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo.
Along with M65 and M66, NGC 3628 forms the Leo Triplet, a small group of galaxies. Its most conspicuous feature is the broad and obscuring band of dust located along the outer edge of its spiral arms, roughly resembling meat between bread rolls and giving it the nickname "The Hamburger Galaxy".

This image was exposed across two nights, 3 & 4 April 2022, using a QHY268M through a Celestron C8" SCT at the native 2032mm focal length, tracked on a Hypertuned CGEM mount.

Total exposure time was 6 hours and 23 minutes through all LRGB filters.


© Mariusz Goralski

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Deep Sky Astrophotography

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