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Barnard 33 - 1 Feb 2022


One of the most popular object for astroimagers... The Horsehead Nebula/Barnard 33 with Alnitak and the Flame Nebula.

As I continue to have terrible sky conditions for astroimaging, I'm struggling to complete any images before the imaged object season is finished. Seems like my nights are perpetually cloud covered.
I'm keeping an eye on the sky, and when I spot some clarity, I immediately open the observatory and start to gather photons.

I captured this image by noticing that there was a clear window of opportunity and managed to have a couple of hours of clarity before clouds returned.

I'd like to capture at-least another hours worth of exposure time through this filter to smooth out some of the noise but also would like to capture other color channels and create a color photo... but with the weather being against me, I'm running out of time.

This images total exposure time was 1 hour and 40 minutes, consisting of 10 x 600 second 7nm narrowband H-Alpha subs.

Taken through a 80mm Refractor @ f6.25, on a hypertuned CGEM mount with QHY268M camera.


© Mariusz Goralski

From the album:

Deep Sky Astrophotography

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That's excellent! What gain did you use? I did my first Ha session on M42 last Friday and the image is so weak that DSS treated most of it as noise and the stacked frame lost all the detail! I did 240s with a gain of 100 with an Altair 183CPROTEC. I'm going to have to increase exposure and gain I suspect.

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On 08/02/2022 at 01:06, Mark Nash said:

That's excellent! What gain did you use? I did my first Ha session on M42 last Friday and the image is so weak that DSS treated most of it as noise and the stacked frame lost all the detail! I did 240s with a gain of 100 with an Altair 183CPROTEC. I'm going to have to increase exposure and gain I suspect.

Hi, thanks for the feedback... the gain I used was 62 at the High Control Gain (HCG) mode with an offset of 25 and Bin 1x1.
I cooled the camera to -3C, about as cool as I can get to be consistent during summer nights which are around the 27C mark.


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6 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

Hi, thanks for the feedback... the gain I used was 62 at the High Control Gain (HCG) mode with an offset of 25 and Bin 1x1.
I cooled the camera to -3C, about as cool as I can get to be consistent during summer nights which are around the 27C mark.


Thanks for that, very helpful. I think I'll have a go at the same region for my next attempt. I'll definitely up the gain and exposure quite a bit compared to my previous go.

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