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Sky-Watcher Mercury 70/500 AZ3 canon 1100D iso 3200 exposure 1.3sec X ~800 = 17min26sec in total

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well done, what a capture from your setup you must be well chuffed to have caught that.

What is going to be your next target?


I have the same camera and find ISO1600 a reliable high ISO to use. On my camera ISO3200 can introduce troublesome noise,

Edited by happy-kat
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Yup, really happy with the result. Got quite a lot of detail as well for scope which is not suitable for astrophotography (was written on sellers website :)).

I'm bit afraid that with iso1600 it won't get enough light for deep sky stacker to catch it. My idea is that i would need twice as much images to stack to get same result as with iso3200(i might be wrong here) and i have only approximately an hour in the summer night to photograph + it might not register faintest beams as well.

And i'm limited with max 1.3-1.6sec exposures per frame, otherwise star trails start to appear and target galaxies would get blurry because of it. My first run on this  was 200 X 2sec frames and it was quite blurred, but clearly visible so i knew i can get much better image with more shorter exposure frames.

As  for my next target, i want to try to get Pinwheel galaxy, but its brightness are much lover than Whirlpools, so i have to experiment at first with it, it might be that i wont be able to capture it.
If not then Dumbell nebula. I got  it with 2sec exposures, but quite blurred, so would have to repeat same approach as here.

I really like Ring nebula(M57), but i think i have to return to it some time later with some experience on super short exposure times. Leo triplet is in my mind, but its quite low to horizont at evenings, so it might be better to wait for next spring to shot it. I haven't tried globular clusters with my Canon yet, M3 and Rose clusters should be relatively easy targets.

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Clusters and globulars would be great targets to try. East and West are the best directions and no higher than say 60° max for limiting field rotation. It's a gamble between the murk of being too low or the evidence of field rotation being too high. M44 has great star colours might be a good target as too the double cluster.

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