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© Fabien COUTANT

Milky way bulge around Laguna (20190829)


I like that region, it's rich with emission and reflection nebulas, open and globular clusters, and even a planetary nebula (though you can't guess it in the photo). It's also about the lowest I could shoot at the milky way this season, without getting too much light pollution.

From middle left to upright through center: Kaus Borealis (star), M28 (glob), M8 (laguna), M20 (trifid), M21, M23 (open). Also some minor globulars SW of laguna can be guessed as fuzzy stars.

Gear: Olympus E-PL6 with Christmas' Samyang 85mm/1.8 first light at f/2.8 and dydimium filter on Omegon EQ-300 tracking RA
Capture: 16 lights × 60s × 1000 ISO, master bias
Site: deep country 26km from Limoges, France
Sky: average to good
Processing: Regim 3.4, Fotoxx 12.01+


© Fabien COUTANT

From the album:

Wide-field (not barn-door)

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Photo Information

  • Focal Length 0 mm
  • Exposure Time 60/1
  • f Aperture f/1.0
  • ISO Speed 1000

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