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Image of the “Running Man” Nebula near Orion Nebula, taken in natural color through my 8" SCT at a focal length of 2032mm using an astro modded and cooled Canon 40D DSLR.

Object ID: Sh2-279 - NGC1973, NGC1975, NGC1977, NGC1981

I captured around 90 minutes of sub data on 2nd March but a lot of the data from that night, about 60%, was poor with drift and star bounce due to over compensation with DEC corrections/DEC Backlash setting being too aggressive, and rejected as a result. During the next night the subs are coming out nice and stable.

The above image consists of the best 12x30s, 12x60s, 24x120s, 20x180s & 12x240s ISO1600 subs, total time of 2 hours and 54 minutes.


© Mariusz Goralski
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