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Coathanger (Cr399) and nearby Dark Nebulae


Image of the Coathanger asterism and the area that surrounds VdB126/LBN134 and nearby dark nebulae. A typically rich area of the Milky Way showing the gas and dust silhouetted against the golden glow of the galaxy's stars, as well as reflected blue starlight from foreground stars. QHY163M on Canon 200mm f2.8/L II (@f3.85), mounted on GM8. LRGB: 166 (1m exp): 98:90:88 (in 2m subs) - all at gain:offset=75:27, using Baader filters. Taken from Sainte-Nathalene, Perigord, 10/11th Aug 2018.


© Graeme Coates, 2018
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Imaging Challenge #15 - The Milky Way - Now Closed

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