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Spaghetti Nebula


For Christmas I received a modded Canon 700D DSLR and an Astronomik clip-in Ha 12nm filter which were both used with my Star Adventurer (SA) mount to capture exposures on the 6th and 7th of January 2018. The image is a slightly cropped composite from 28x 600s plus 1x 780s and 5 x 900s light frames (in total just over 6 hours) at 85mm, f/2 and ISO 200 together with 32 assorted dark frames and a master flat and bias frame (each representing x50 exposures). The frames were stacked In DSS and processed in StarTools. The image represents just over 6 hours of exposure which judging by the time put in by other imagers on this object is quite small. I have however managed to capture some of the tendrils of nebulosity in the time.

The SA mount is nothing short of a little marvel, allowing completely hidden, faint objects to be revealed over quite long exposures (15 minutes) from what is a rather light polluted area.

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