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© D Elijah
Credit Please credit D Elijah if you are using this image.

White Spots west-limb (19/07/2016)


Date of image 19/07/2016

Equipment: SW Skymax 150 (f12) at prime focus. The telescope was mounted on an EQ5 pro. Camera: Canon 550D in 640x480 movie crop mode set at 1/1000s exposure ISO400, the frame rate was 60fps. 

I wanted to capture some solar detail near the limb of the Sun, I saw these light spots so I thought of capturing those. I did not ramp up the wavelets because I was getting ringing effects at the suns horizon. I also did not like the smoothen effect of the de-ringing feature in Registax. 

The total movie duration was about 5 minutes. The weather was great for solar imaging. The best 25% of frames were selected and decompressed by Pipp, Stacking and editing was done with RegiStax 6. I used about 15 alignment points.

The telescope was tracking well.  Focusing was done by trial and error (by slowly tweaking the focus and watching 15 seconds of live view).


Please credit D Elijah if you are using this image.


© D Elijah

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