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Messier 106

A spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. It about 22 to 25 million light-years away from Earth. It is also a Seyfert II galaxy. Due to x-rays and unusual emission lines detected, it is suspected that part of the galaxy is falling into a super-massive black hole in the centre. For more information the AstroBin link is: http://www.astrobin.com/243401/

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Deep Sky Objects

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Many thanks.

I was hoping that it would turn out better, but the LP was so bad that if I stretched the image much more to show the full extent of the spiral arms the whole image started to turn yellow/orange. So I have pushed this one as far a my skills allow me to. I'm hoping to get out tonight for another target, which I may try a different tactic to try to deal with the LP, which is to use a LP filter in front of my colour filters and use slightly shorter subs (2-3 minutes). I will keep an eye out for your post/image. Good luck and clear skies!

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2 hours ago, Toxophilus said:

Many thanks.

I was hoping that it would turn out better, but the LP was so bad that if I stretched the image much more to show the full extent of the spiral arms the whole image started to turn yellow/orange. So I have pushed this one as far a my skills allow me to. I'm hoping to get out tonight for another target, which I may try a different tactic to try to deal with the LP, which is to use a LP filter in front of my colour filters and use slightly shorter subs (2-3 minutes). I will keep an eye out for your post/image. Good luck and clear skies!

LP definitely adds to the background noise and reduces the faint detail you can pull out.

Don't expect miracles from my set up (I don't think i'll improve on your attempt)! I image with a DSLR (no colour filters for me) and a slow F8 refractor. I deal with LP by using a UHCs filter with has a strong notch in the sodium emission region. It also helps colour contrast (especially with background stars).

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