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IMG 0228

Craig H

From the album:

my first attempts at sketching

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Excellent work Craig. I love how raw this sketch feels. It really gives an accurate representation of the view at the eyepiece. I've always felt sketches should record accurately the view the telescope yields - you've got this down to a T. Keep it up :icon_salut:

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Thanks Amanda.:)

I appreciate the encouragement.I'll be sure to practice whenever I get the chance (sky permitting of course!:)) and hopefully get better at it and maybe eventually post in the sketching section.I have been very impressed with the sketches on this site ,including your own work..:icon_salut:, and you've all inspired me to get at it.:)

I have smudged out ( basic tool in iphoto)what looked like creases in the paper. three lines .2 top, and one bottom right.Other than that it's all just as it came out in the photo.I guess I need to experiment with photgraphing and transposing?( right word? not sure).as my sketch of Jupiter and it's moons is unusable....the colour is all washed out and jupiter is just a white disc! doh!....still it looks ok in my note book :).

regards craig.

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Thank you Craig and I am really pleased that the sketching you see on SGL has encouraged you to have a go :icon_salut:

Do you take photos of your sketches and then upload them that way? I do this too, it may be better for you to scan them, if you are able to of course. It'll give a more accurate view of the sketch. I can see the smudges now although I didn't pick them up before! To be honest, I would have left them in, just to keep the sketch really raw - entirely your decision though. I really admire you for keeping your sketches and not touching them up (bar the crease smudging) in an image editing program. Although other members do this and it makes for excellent images, I think it is nice to have a sketch that is purely what the sketcher can see at the EP - it is so useful for beginners to understand what scope views are like and of course as a record of your observing session.

Please post in the sketching subforum! Even if you think they aren't good enough - which I am sure they are! - we will really appreciate them. You'll be able to pick up some constructive criticism (though from this it looks like you don't need any pointers :) ) and ample praise :)

One of our resident sketchers - Talitha (Carol Lakomiak) writes a sketching article each month for sky at night mag, you might find it useful. Each month shows a different target with tips on techniques for achieving an accurate sketch. It's really interesting.

Really cracking work


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Hi Amanda, yeah I just held the 'point n shoot' as steady as possible, and kinda hoped for the best....Unfotunately I don't have a scanner, although I was thinking along the same lines.

I'll definately check out Talitha's articles from now on, I've already admired the sketches she has in her album...they are top notch aren't they?.

Thanks again Amanda.:icon_salut:

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Same with me, no scanner. Point and shoot will have to do. Yea, Carol is a brilliant sketcher. Her lunar landscapes are amazing. Looking forward to seeing you on the sketching forum :icon_salut:

Clear skies


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yes "watch that space" (sketching forum)..... I'll post up something soon....as long as the cloud god smiles on us.:icon_salut:

regards craig.

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