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Bonus Time !!!!



Last night proved to be a bit of a bonus after Saturday !! I had planned on capturing some more Avi's of Saturn ( and I did ) but thought I'd stick a few EP's on the scope for a change cos the cond's were so good and the opportunities to observe here in Leeds' LP sadly rare ! ( only 3x miles West of Leeds City centre).

Apart from the open clusters in Auriga which I thoroughly enjoyed re visiting, I spent some time with the ringed planet, moons were clearly visible and bright, the sharp definition of the planet's rings was a marvel. A mate popped round late on in the evening and had never looked thru a scope before, sooo you what's coming......

I teased him by starting really with a low power EP, the 32mm 2", then moved on to the 17mm plossle, then the 10mm and for a sure sign of the night's quality I stuck in the TMB/Burgess 4mm. Given the fact that he was pretty blown away by the 10mm, the 4mm "rocked his boat" !!:):)

Now the 4mm equates to 300x power on my Cape and because the conds. were so good I thought I'd be really cheeky !! I have never done this before but thought well.. why not ? so I stuck the 4mm into a Meade 126 2x barlow and seriously did not expect anything but disappointment !!

WELL KNOCK ME SIDEWAYS !!!!:eek::eek: it focused up really well This really was a "wow!" moment for him !! EVEN with the collimation of the scope a wee off still !!



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Aye it's a funny ol' world ! Had a lot of fun with the cosmos last night. You can so easily forget how nice it is to put your eye up to the scope instead of focusing via a screen.

The barlowed 4mm was a huge surprise tho ! Just to get it to focus !!! I hardly ever get the chance to use the 4mm alone !

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I stuck a 5mm Pentax XW and a Tal 3x barlow into my FlexTube for a look at the Moon.

Rubbish view really but it was 900x magnification.

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Well I took the plunge and set to the collimation again to try and improve things but first off wanted to know what the problem was.

I nicked a 1/2" St st ball bearing from my little girls toy box ( Magnetix) and placed in a prominant spot on the south facing wall at the end of the garden then approx' 35m awy focused in on the "spot" from the sun, zero'd in further using the 4x and the 2x barlows stacked and the 4mm TMB/Burgess then the SPC900NC

Fantastic patterens but clearly not right !!

Tonight I tried to sort it out but without the sun a bit difficult- rigged up a super bright white led torch and some tubing and an old EP lens from some spotting bins and then focused the light from about a metre away onto the ball bearing--- phew !! Well I now "know " my scope that's for sure !!

So, yes Ron, I think it was a collimation issue (re the ghosting on Saturn, not thin high cloud) but certainly not one that will bother me again- another Dar Art cracked !!


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