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Stumped by Metrication



Next in line is was the second axis. I added the code, debugged it, and got the slew working for it. All relatively simple as it was a cut a paste from the RA axis but without needing to make it track, same error feedback but it keep calculating the same position, sounds a waste but once GOTO and corrections for misalignment and atomspheric effects on position get added it will be changing continuously.

anyway.. added the circuitry, tested, added the motor drive chip and motor and bingo.. worked first time!.. really!, all the way from the hand controller through the PICs and out to the motor.

Next: lets stick it on the scope.... now where is that bolt... bother!!

It's imperial.. whitworth? BSA?.. no idea.. bit like M8 but coarser thread.. any imperial thread gauges anywhere to measure the other one?.. of course not.

so I'm googling for a solution but it hasn't presented itself yet.

if anyone has any ideas.. I'm all ears (eye's not being that useful until this is working :-)


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