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East a bit..



Well after much hair pulling head bashing and general frustration I've finally got my hand controller communicating with the motor driver.

So you choose 'slew mode' and press the east button, and the motor starts slewing east, let go and it immedaitely resumes its normal tracking, press west and it turns to the west.

Might seem simple but it's been anything but. Two completly seperate chunks of code in two seperate PICs. The first PIC scanning a keypad for finger presses, interpreting modes double key presses etc., communicating down a 2meter I2C comms link, interpreted by another PIC and then the correct motor instructions sent over the same I2C wires to the motor drivers.

Not straight forward.. but adding the GOTO commands will be no more than a couple of evenings work, essentially that's how the slewing is working now, it's slewing the target point and the motor is playing catchup. Autoguide port?.. childs-play.

And I've just confirmed, it's hot plugable.

Am I happy... of course.:D

Do I expect anyone else to follow what I'm on about.. :o, maybe not.

never mind



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Understand some :) , am into radio control myself and have converted some of the servos to run from USB and pick up commands from the keyboard, I like it :) .


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Thanks, hmm.. servos from a USB socket, nice idea.

thought: does anyone do a radio control system with a USB socket at the transmitter end?


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Radio control with a USB socket, now that would be great, hopefully not far off. A radio control transmitter can be hardwired to a computer but only to run some types of sim software. Except for maybe a focuser I cannot see too much use for raiod control in astronomy, gear is far too heavy.

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Radio control with a USB socket, now that would be great, hopefully not far off. A radio control transmitter can be hardwired to a computer but only to run some types of sim software. Except for maybe a focuser I cannot see too much use for raiod control in astronomy, gear is far too heavy.

Take a look at the 2.4GHz systems and micro servos. I have one (DX6i), and it is very small and very light.. designed for the model aircraft market (not that I use it for that)


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Derek, my curiousity was aroused and I went Googling, lo and behold, a USB radio control plane :D. Not big, just a gadget type thingy but shows that it has arrived and will no doubt advance is size. I have loads of RC gear, a throwback to my previous hobby, lived on a yacht so decided to build an ROV to play about with whilst moored, sadly I could not keep it dry :D. I still have plans for the gear but more on the security side.


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