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polaris and the camera and light polution



hi all ,well last night thought a would take a few long expo`s of polaris to try and get a good star trail pic ,but to my supprise they turned out better than a thoght .for one they did not trail ok the time was about 2 mins not much of a chance there then,but i did get some good shots a will put the pics up in a minute on photo bucket the link will be there shortly ,apart from them all be in orange! any way i ordered a lpf filter,and it came this morning so a will try that a read alot about these type of filters and every one as diffrent skies so it was hard to judge so i went for the 2" sized one can not comment on how well it works as it only came this morning.any way

back to the pics,i took about 30 /40 altogether of polaris some good some bad tried dif settings to see what results a would getand the best was 1.35 mins and that gave the best out come to the picstonight a will do some more of the same and test the lpf out and get the pics to see the difference cheers pat enjoy they not so bad pics all were taken at

Cannon d10 ,12"skyliner

iso 200

bulb setting 1.35 sec , x10 subs

awb on

4 mins between each shot just to cool down

no filter

heres the link


also a stuck the pic of the skywatcher lpf will try that in a bit,the other pic is a result of a drop so beware


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hi paul these where all done with the cannon 10d last night what a was after was a star trail around polaris ,and a went indoors to get the cuppa tea when a come back to it all,the shot was 2.12secs and when a looked at the pic there was only a tiny bit odf traling a then dropped down to 1.35 and the shots came out well a will use the 2" light pol filter a got of flo yesterday and do the same shots to see how that works ,have ya had a play with that webcam yet and hope you both ok


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