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spc900 web cam learning curves



Hi to all,well last night was a steep learning curve with the web cam spc900 and settings the clouds and the wind.well around 18:00 stuck the scope out side it was real clear we had are tea and went out about 19:00.as normal the clouds were back and we set the laptop and cam up.then total cloud cover till about 22:15,so back out again Polaris was the only thing a could see so I tried to get the settings some were close a was led to beleave of morgans that the web cam would act like a 15mm ep,ok no chance more like a 6mm.a barlow would have killed it all together. Any way Polaris was hard to get focus on will put the link to the rubbish effort and I then saw arcturus flashing away all colors and pointed the scope that way,the wind was blowing a tad now so things were going down hill fast but a got a few seconds worth of footage ,saturn was in and out of the clouds so a had a quick go the 12" dob is not the best scope for this but never the less I got a few secs worth

now the settings are so important ,and I had a good play about with them the rack and pinion focuser is not worth it for this cam work I could not get the focus right most of the time a crawford is my next purchase ,the zoom on the cam settings is ok and sharpcap is great once you rember to save the settings as default ie,10fps,ect. the v lounge settings the zoom was set to 1 to start with a played about with them settings and got there in the end I liked the results all be it shaky and not in focus notes were made and next time things should go a lot quicker the hardest prob was no tracking this is a big pain with the dob and cam in general its not a prob at all but when ya try in to press buttons ect at the same time fun and games start my daughter was cold and was not interested in help at this point but all the same a had a not bad night link is here if you care to waste a couple a secs of your time

thanks Pat


the vid shows a random start 1st then arcturus,then saturn


Recommended Comments

You have some nice clear moments in that video but that is always tricky. I find that I enjoy my nights a whole lot more when I do not focus on the pictures / video. It tends to be more relaxing. The down side to this is that I have nothing to share after! :)

Happy you got out there and hope I can do the same soon!


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hi isabelle checked the colamination this morning it was out may be this was one of my many probs last night

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hi am think in of getting a auto track scope something small a meade etx90ec or a skywatcher autotrack 127 telescope but they both seem to getmore bad reports than good o and we have cloud for a change tonight

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