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mini star get together



hi every one had a great night tonight just finished cleaning the scope and eps had a friend of sgl john and is lad Connor at my place tonight they brought there scope and a set 12" dob up, we aligned johns finder scope up on is 4 inch newt,and had a quick tour .of the moon filters were the best help we had the moon was so bright and full ptlemaeus.alphonus and arzachel were the first things to show john and Connor .who a will call from now jc mare humoron was the next,mare fecunditatis with the messier pair were another high point .

next was Orion for a quick look at that to show jc with and with out OIII ngc 1981 open cluster was nice and the great Orion neb was its normal self we then looked at Taurus and its doubles we saw lots the best were, tau 80,81,85,75.

Pleiades was next all 7 main stars were on view and a few more hard to spot doubles some were so small also ngc752 great open cluster was cool to say the least. Cassiopeia ngc436,457,663 were brightest double cluster am going to make a point one night to just search for double cluster and tease out there fine details am still gob smacked every time a see one. and we did have a look for a few more things crab neb be in one, no chance same for m33 .it got to about 23:00 hrs and i could not feel my finger, Connor had retired to the house with my daughter froze solid a hour before . what a great night and to share it with john and Connor who can now point out and look for more things we all had another night of first a still get that tingle when a see the scope on the garden and a book circled with targets for the night also the moon still as many things a want to see o even the Apollo 16 landing site ,was seen we even got some pics well john did so i can not wait to see how they turned out and will link the,to this post.

thanks pat


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Yes we did Stolenfeather, thanks Pat, it was very enjoyable, even if it was a little cold!

Will have took hook up again soon, thanks buddy.

You really are a star! ( pun intended ) :)

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hi isabelle and john yes we hit some great clusters and doubles, the moon was so bright dso`s were out luck ,but we had a great night am glad john and connor had a good night even tho the kids legged it inside early bless them. i could have stayed out all night my self but the fingers were froze, it was great to have some one else to view with for a change and john any time we have clear skies chuck the scope in the car and get ya self over .your scope does the bizz, all the doubles and nebs and clustters are easily seen with it when ya no where to look get a book to help ya have more faith in it


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