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hi every one a clear night came for me around 19:30 the 12 " dob had already been out side from about 18:45, the first light was jupiter and all all its satalites and it did not fail to impress me the 32mm ep gave a great view and the 20mm i was suprised at how fast it shot past and constant movement to keep it in the ep was crazy but a loved it that then was lost behind the trees

orion was the next one on my list this was like when people say they have found god or what ever faith they into for me looking at the orion nebula m42,m43 did it for me a was not expecting the view which did make me think just how small we are the detail a could pick out was mega i ran in the house and grabed my daughter and her mate who are both twelve and took a look and my elle said dad the clouds are in the way thats how clear the neb was the gases or what ever you want to call them(thats me be in the newb i am) was mind blowing a could not beleave the amout of detail i ran to the house and got the 0III filter out and yet again this gave me another great view there was things this time i could not see it did not pop out at me but it gave a dif view to the ep a did not have befor after there was things a could not see befor the lack of color which a new would not be there was more than made up for what a did see about 2 hours of looking that was me froze to the point of teeth chatter all i can say is this thermals and plenty of hot tea was in order to say i was overwhelmed would be a under statement the 12 " dob is great and i can not wait for more clear skies sorry if this bored you a bit thanks all the same one very happy pat


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I remember the first time I saw the Orion Nebula. Like you I ran inside to show my husband and someone had to stop me from calling my neighbours to come over and look. Now every night I am outside with my telescope, I always take a glimpse.

You will have the same reaction when you see Saturn for the first time,...

I promise you!

I wish you clear skies my friend,


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hi and thanks yes it was for sure a big deal i intend to draw it tonight all be in well just about to stick, MO 1 out side (it now as a name ,a will take a look at and Andromeda and a few other things but to be honest a think the great neb will suck me in gonna try and get a pic some how post to follow did a exercise at a place called edmonton in 1994 whilst in the forces take care and clear skies


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