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From my Porch



January 8th, 2011

Many stargazing enthusiasts have to travel far from their houses in order to savor inky black skies when observing. Teaching as far as I do from city lights gives me the unique privilege of viewing right off my porch, a hop away from the patio doors and the warmth of my kitchen. Star gazing with an espresso anyone? Being so close also gives me easy access to my Stellarium program that helps me navigate the stars in search of new Messier objects to uncover.


I don't know how well you can read the above picture that I took but if you can find the constellation Cassiopeia, you will see a blue deep sky object indicator that says "double cluster". This was my first destination. Standing together, NGC 869 and 884 is a marvel to see! I was unable to take a picture but I'm sure that this gives you an idea of what I saw in my eyepiece:


File:NGC869NGC884.jpg From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Earlier that night, I was indeed able to take a couple of pictures of my own. First, the waxing crescent moon showing a glimpse of "earth shine" and the star HIP 107820:


I tried to zoom in but it didn't turn out as well as I thought it would:


Jupiter was still high enough above the horizon to "smile happy" for the camera so I simply couldn't ignore him now could I?


You can clearly see Jupiter's main moons in this picture. Seemingly glued to the right side of the planet is Io, then Europa, Callisto and Ganymede. I have to say that I am quite proud of this picture considering the fact that I have no tripod and use a simple point-and-shoot camera.

I gave up my search for M35 still early into the night since the mercury had dipped to -20 ºC or -4 ºF. Granted that this is not very cold but after awhile, it seemed to inch down my back. Besides, this had been a perfect night,...

A beautiful crescent moon accompanied by the planet Jupiter and a pair of clusters,... Who could ask for anything more?



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hi sounds like you had a great night,mine was mind blowing to say the least,i only looked at jupiter,and the great orion neb which was so goodand the detail was great the 0III filter did make a diference tonight dark skies willing i will attempt to draw the great orion neb

hope ya well pat

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Hey Pat!

I'm happy that you had a great night. Looking outside today,.. I doubt that I will be going out tonight. My,.. those are thick clouds out there. Oh man,.. more snow I'm sure!

I wish you clear skies tonight and let us know what you discover!


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