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Just got a Nexstar 6SE as a gift.



Hello All!

I just got a Nexstar 6SE as a gift and feeling really overwhelmed. I am new to stargazerslounge.com and would appreciate any tips and tricks on making my gift useful and painless. I have always been intrigue by our solar system and the exploration of space. I am having a hard time calibrating my telescope, since I do not know my stars by heart. So I am slowly getting familiar with my new telescope. What other accessories is a must to make my star gazing phenomenal?


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Hi Apollo - try putting a question in the "Beginners Help" section and you may get responses a bit quicker.

The 6SE is a very nice scope - the Celestron optics are superb and the tracking usually spot on. Very nice gift you have there.

To test the collimation, focus on a bright star. Then defocus one way slowly then the other. You should see perfectly concentric circles of light in both directions. If so then the scope is well collimated. If not then collimation is required. Do the secondary first (Bobs knobs are usefull for cassegrains), then do the primary. Look in the Primers and Tutorials section for Astrobaby's collimation guide. The principles described apply to all reflectors.

Hope that helps :)

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