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"Who will rid me of this efffing cloud ??"



I'm trying so very very hard to remain positive and not let this remarkably long run of sh%^y weather get me down, but I feel I'm beginning to lose the battle.

Expensive kit, including some that hasn't even seen the dark of night yet, sit in their respective recepticles waiting for the call up.

I find myself going and uncovering the mount and pier, stopping short of apologising to it for it's lack of use, just to make sure it IS still there-inspite of the conspicuous lump under the shroud.

Perhaps now's not a good time to quit smoking (again).



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The wife's even moaninng a little now about how much of a waste of money astro gear is because I never use it.

Not had the heart to tell her I want to buy more

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I know how that feels ! Though thankfully the missus actually on the whole sympathises with my situation- or maybe she wants me out of her way ?? :o

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So nothing has changed ,the weather still prohibits any ideas of getting outside. To make one's soul feel utterly miserable the forecast this morning for the rest of the week was more mild, cloudy weather.Perhaps Billy is on the right lines and we ought to take up cloud watching. The idea of Rog's, to pack it all in in exchange for a large dob makes more and more sense, though unlike Rog, I haven't a library of shots in an archive or a wealth of experience under my belt.


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