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"GinaRep Mini" 3D Printer



This is a 3D printer with a 200mm square print bed and probably around 250mm build height depending on how things work out.  It will use many of the parts from my "GinaRep Pilot" printer which has now served its purpose and needs upgrading/rebuilding.  The Pilot printer had a moving print bed for the Y axis whereas the Mini will use Core-XY and the print bed will move up/down to provide the Z axis.  This arrangements minimises the mass of moving parts in the XY plane where motion is fastest.


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31 minutes ago, tekkydave said:

Check the motor connections for Y and E0 - they seem to be different to X & Z (which match mine). Or is that the non-standard motor wiring you mentioned earlier?

Yes, it's the non-standard motor wiring.

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11 minutes ago, Gina said:

Yes, that's the intention but I'll check the config.g file.  Would it be best to connect the board via USB for power to check or would using the +5v_SB from the ATX PSU be alright?

Do you want to see whats in the config.g or test the probe? USB power wont power the board I think. I'm not using any 5V supplies so I don't know what it will power.

Anyone else know?

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From the Duet Wiki:

The Duet operates on two power circuits: a 5V circuit that powers the CPU, WiFi, and web interface, (mostly through a 3.3V LDO) and a 12/24V circuit that powers the motors and heaters.

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I imaging the +5v power in powers all the logic and processor.  Vin would power the motors, heaters, fans etc.

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5v only from the ATX should be ok to see and edit your config files.

Edited by tekkydave
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OK - here goes :D  If you hear a scream from "way down south" you'll know I have a problem!! :eek:

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WiFi not working :(  Realised I could see what's in config.g from the files downloaded from the web based configuration tool.

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Think I've found the problem with the WiFi.


Use the System Files Editor in the web interface to remove the leading ';' character in the M552 command in config.g so that the Duet WiFi will connect automatically in future.


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But I haven't :( The ";" is not there in the line "M552 S1              ; Enable network".

; Network
M550 P"GinaRep Mini"              ; Set machine name
M552 S1                           ; Enable network
;*** Access point is configured manually via M587
M586 P0 S1                        ; Enable HTTP
M586 P1 S0                        ; Disable FTP
M586 P2 S0                        ; Disable Telnet

WiFi connects fine with USB power.

Edited by Gina
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Edited config.g from the web interface to change the Z probe type from P1 to P4, saved back and rebooted.  It's so easy (when it's working) :D

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So...  Seems I have a power issue.  I'll put the printer back on the table and check the +5v_SB line.  I wonder if the Gnd connection on the Duet +5v IN, PS_ON, GND connector really does want connecting to the PSU Gnd.  Wouldn't have thought so.  I'll get my DMM...

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The Gnd on the connector shows 0.2ohms to the POWER GND terminal and the +5v_SB line reads 5.089v.  Not that then.  One difference is that the LED labelled "Diag" was on before and now it's off.  Still no WiFi connection when powered from ATX PSU.

Edited by Gina
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Found the problem.  Poor WiFi.  Put printer on my office chair and wheeled it nearer the router.  Plugged in to a nearby main power strip and powered up.  Web interface now working.  About 1.5m from router.  At 3m it didn't work.  On the laptop USB connection it was about 2.5m from the router.

Oh dear, it won't work in the workshop then without a WiFi repeater! :(

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I think the tiny antenna on the WiFi module lets it down. There was a discussion on the Forum about having a proper connector & antenna but it puts the costs up too much. I think you may need a repeater or a spare router connected via ethernet.

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Gotcha :)


Did that "made it so" and now have On and Off buttons on the page :)  Lower right-hand corner.


Clicked the green On button and the Vin blue LED came on and the hotend fan which is always on if the PSU is ON from the PS_ON control.

Edited by Gina
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Now testing.  Hotend and bed heaters working fine (plus thermistors).  X and Y movement doesn't work - motors just buzz.  Z works fine except that the direction is wrong - that's soon fixed :)

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