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The Up-To-Date Guide on Stargazing With Electronics



Hello again!

You may have read my other blog posts for beginners on stuff like this as well, and I will soon be taking all my blog posts for beginners and compressing them into a super guide! Other than that, let us begin!

So, you just got the newest phone, and as an astronomer/astrophotographer/stargazer/sketch artist, want to have an app that shows you what's up that night. But the problem is that there is thousands of apps that show you everything in the night sky. Here are my top ten picks in order, and than after that some honorable mentions:

1. Celestron SkyPortal-ease of use, hooks up to Celestron Telescope

2. Star Walk- ease of use, makes life very easy for me

3. Star Rover- Great app, well made, and has great interface options

4. Star Tracker Lite- Free, large pictures and fun to look at

5. Skyview Free- Fun app, very informative, but apps are annoying

6. StarMap 3d-Great if you have kids, but also shows satellites and the ISS

7. Skyview Satellite Guide- Best app for finding satellites

8. Star Chart- Very good for bad eyes

9. Star and Planet Finder- Good for bad eyes as well, also good for finding planets

10. Sky map- Very good for smaller stars

Honorable Mentions

All Nasa apps


SkyX First Light Edition


Thanks for reading and recommend this to others!

Happy stargazing,






Recommended Comments

May I ask why these are the top picks. I see the comments on each but a little more detail would be good.

If I need only 1 app which would you go for and why?

Also how much are they. This is a factor in app buying.

Edited by beamer3.6m
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It depends on which telescope you are using. If you are using Celestron, I would definitely recommend SkyPortal. If not, then I would recommend Star Rover, as this was the first stargazing app I used and is very informative, as that is the goal of that app. It pretty much depends on what you need. 

I would recommend Star Rover, as this is probably the best. Loved this one because  it gave me a bit of backstory on the thing I was looking at, and was always in the correct location if location is on. 

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