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About this blog

This blog post is great for those who need a bit of help for apps that help with stargazing

Read my other guide called the Ultimate Beginners Guide to Astronomy!

Here is the link: https://stargazerslounge.com/blogs/entry/1896-the-ultimate-guide-for-beginners-to-stargazing/

Entries in this blog

The Up-To-Date Guide on Stargazing With Electronics

Hello again! You may have read my other blog posts for beginners on stuff like this as well, and I will soon be taking all my blog posts for beginners and compressing them into a super guide! Other than that, let us begin! So, you just got the newest phone, and as an astronomer/astrophotographer/stargazer/sketch artist, want to have an app that shows you what's up that night. But the problem is that there is thousands of apps that show you everything in the night sky. Here are my top t



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