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ATIK OSX Drivers 1.07 & Example App (with all new OpenGL) incoming..



Just finishing the final testing on the 10.6.8 build and I'll put together the 10.8+ 64bit build..

The Example App has had an overhaul in the graphics display system. It's far faster and I have a couple more optimisations todo but I thought this would be a good point to release.

You'll note that it lacks the ability to adjust the display brightness etc.. but I'll add that later.. however it scrolls, zooms etc and has a reticule...

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Actually I spotted a last minute bug fix in the legacy drivers -> R1.08 :)




I still have some stuff todo.. if I get a spare 30 minutes I'll work on:

* aspect ratio in the example app - the picture is displayed but the model to real world transform currently doesn't pay attention to it.. so things look a little squashed.

* doing a direct image copy rather than using the very slow CGImageDraw - a routine that alone that is the largest stop in execution time.. the upload to the GPU is the other slow part for large 4096x4096 images for example. 

* experimental - FFT and static stack needs rejigging to work.. should be simple enough

* addition of lightening and darkening

* connecting up the reticule enable/disable - this is working nicely when enabled in code..

* finalise the OpenCL processing -> OpenGL bridge


However for now.. I have used up my honour points with the mrs..

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"and has a reticule"


Excellent... :) Looking forward to it... for that matter I'm also looking forward to clear skies but I'm not optimistic.



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Here's one for the developers: if there's one thing to drive me nuts it's the following relationship - OpenGL glViewPort+Ortho2D+NSScrollView+convertRectToBacking.. now add scrolling, pinch zoom and window resizing.. more "boom it doesn't work".. All ExampleApp side rather than drivers luckily..


It works with the Titan flawlessly.. worked with the 383L.. but now it doesn't work with the 383L.. time for bed me thinks!

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I am getting there with the rescaling bug..


It appears that if you allow OSX buffer your window.. then the size of the visible rectangle doesn't change.. until OSX decides to resize the buffer.. fast for static redraw but really messes up OpenGL ortho2d!


Busy over the next few days with work but I may have this working by the end of the week!

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I've also managed to finally get the right combination of parameters to remove the need to use the very slow CGContextDrawImage.


It's now dependant on the speed of main-memory - GPU upload over the PCI-Xpress bus. I'm getting about 3-4 fps for the upload on the 6750M with 17MB 383L images. So that's 51MBytes/sec transfer rate.. not stunning but the that's the slowest part of the process. It's 8x PCI-Express in the MBP so in theory that should be a bit faster..


Now the fun bit.. your main CPU - Memory bus is in the order of 13GBytes/sec transfer rate .. once the image into the GPU - it's processing can use the 120+GBytes/sec..

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Titan does 15fps into the GPU and displayed :) So that's keeping up with the Titan.

I can optimise some more but the Example app is only running at 120% (i.e. just one core) to run at this speed :D

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Found a bug in the titan precharging for long exposures. Now fixed will be appearing in 1.12 (yes I'm up to that!).


Also found the following ExampleApp bugs due to the new display mechanism - switching from capture to live view causes a crash which is down to when things get released.

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Keep at it Nick :) I'd love to be out testing but the rain and wind seems to go on forever...



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Just a bit slow at the moment a I've not had any time for it.. (a) trip to poland on business with a tummy bug, (b) fatal traffic accident directly outside the office, then to top it off sorting out the HR support aspect of point b because few people in the office because of the tube strike then .. I had to walk 3 miles with luggage (no taxis).. and lastly I have work todo..



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