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Learning Special Relativity



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A few years ago while having a few drinks round a friend’s house, towards the end of the night we got talking about space and time. Being a sci-fi fan and educated to BBQ level on the subject I had some small ideas of how the universe works, anyhow we all had a great night talking about time slowing down and worm holes etc. The following day since I enjoyed the subject so much I decided to quit work and go back to school and learn physics (not the only reason but it started me thinking about it). I am now at university and just about to start modern physics section of the course. The first part is on special relativity and I thought some people might find it interesting to read my notes from the lectures if I were to write them up in a blog. I will try and keep the math’s to a minimum and just deliver the main concepts.

I am learning this subject as I go along so please don't expect the answers to everything (42). I just thought some people would like to know what gets taught on such a course and I’ll have some notes to review when I come to revise for exams.

Hopefully I will be able to add the first entry tomorrow thanks for reading.

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Recommended Comments

Excellent idea. I think it will also serve as a fruitful learning aid, for amalgamating and condensing notes is a good method of revision. I look forward to reading your posts.

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