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Polyester resin woes



I'm becoming less confident in this build...

The £1 high strength adhesive is rubbish. I've got 6 lovely looking tubes, but they are fragile. Perhaps the temperature plays a part.

I have started to apply polyester resin to one, and it is curing with a heater, but I don't believe the joints will be any stronger for the application which is the crux of the assembly. There will be external rings on all tubes, save perhaps the top end of the top tube, simply for aesthetics. In this way, they will hold their form at the ends at least. With the remaining bare 5 tubes, I plan to apply the tissue to the outside and stipple coat with resin without a base coat of resin, my first weight saving move. The first tube will therefore be >100g heavier. The tissue/resin is going onto the smooth side of hardboard. It should provide a protective shell but tissue (not mat) is not meant to be structural and I read that polyester resin tends to peel from wood. I don't know what strength of tube will result from this approach

The weight will be hanging off the external rings, so the bond between ring and tube must be sound. I plan to pin from the inside with twelve 15mm finishing nails as I assemble them, having saturated the mating face of the ring with resin, and then flood the joint with more resin where necessary.

I will clear a corner of the garage where I can pin up a tarp to enclose a space for curing, into which I can feed warm air from a fan heater and monitor the temperature within.

I don't mind rebuilding the tubes - I just don't want a primary mirror to drop on the ground when I finally get to observe through one (or both) of these scopes. If the tubes feel okay with the tissue and rings, I'll be sticking a couple of bags of sugar in first and see what happens. ;)

Flying by the seat of my pants... thankfully, the learning curve is something I enjoy.


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With the heater off overnight, the first tube has cured to a non-tacky surface. I can see along most of the edge joints that the resin has penetrated by a mm or so and darkened the hardboard. In addition to wrapping the tissue around the circumference, I will cut and fold around the end baffles and daub it in place. With the tissue and after sleeping on it, I'm quietly confident...

I've screwed a length of twin-slot shelving support to the door frame with a few brackets on which to rest the tubes as the resin cures. I will seal off the door and frame up an enclosure around which to wrap a tarp. I'll add a small shelf at the bottom in order to pre-warm the resin before adding the hardener. I'm currently using kitchen sponge scourers to wipe on the resin - I don't have any styrene thinners and so I'm not going to waste brushes.

In hindsight, I should have cut a few extra baffles and made up the 5-inch test tube, to trial the various stages - it's the first time I've used resin, for example.

With any luck, it's all systems go. I'm away camping over the weekend so I'd like to get the tubes done tonight and give them at least an hour or so each in the "warm room" :D

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Wrapped one of the short tubes - messy job. Trying to fold the snipped overlap at the ends round in behind each baffle is very tricky - the fibres that come away from the tissue cause it to pull away when you take your hand away. Will try a brush rather than a sponge - should be a bit better. Will leave this one as it - a ragged inside edge and a couple of air bubbles. I want to see what it's like to work with once cured - sanding, snipping, rewetting, etc...

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Easy to snip/trip the cured tissue, in fact it's very brittle and tears easily. Bubbles suck. All in all, not great. The external rings will serve one purpose well, namely to hold the tubes in the round at the ends but I'm concerned about the other forces to which the tubes will be subjected.

I'm on the fence as to whether or not I'm wasting my time. I've over-ordered the aluminium channel so I'll have options - I may roll hardboard tubes around a form, instead.

In the meantime I'd love to buy a pair of 15x70 bins, but given the spend on these scopes, I can't justify it to myself - let alone to the other half. :(

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