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AOSX.. onwards!



AOSX has had a little bit of a backseat recently with ATIK and the wedding.. over the last few days I've been discussing and finalising some ideas with OzDave and I'm progressing nicely with the architectural changes we've been thinking about for a while.

The focus of AOSX is the user, so we've been building in some heavy duty crash protection. This means now that each device in service has it's own process - a heavy approach but one that means if the driver "blue screens" or crashes then it will not affect any other part of AOSX or the client application. Most cameras that support reconnect could then conceivably reconnect and recover the sub in the camera. This may not be a problem with 30 second shots but 30 minute shots.. that's a different matter!

This will be the last iteration before it appears for general consumption *hurrah*. Now that OSX 10.8 means additional Parallels costs to run PC-based solutions.. I have decided to go 100% OSX in my astronomy so I have no choice to get this working before my trip to Olly's place! (optimistic me!) OzDave is really looking forward to integrating EQMac to allow EQMac to support different mounts and Crag Stark is interested for PHD and Nebulosity.

I may have some additional holiday left to take - if so as Sandrine doesn't.. I'll spend the time on driving this forward!

Enough.. back to the grindstone!


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This will be the last iteration before it appears for general consumption *hurrah*.

Looking forward to it :)

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I've made reasonable progress with the re-architecture. Things are connecting, just need to get some time - probably next week..

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