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Website Live...ish



Well, the course web site went live today...sort of! :(

Lots of error messages and unfound pages when I tried to log on this morning. Finally got onto the course web site this afternoon for a quick look.

Not much there just a basic outline and study calendars for the two possible finish times. You can either complete the course by 31 July or by 25 October. You don't have to stick to the 31 July timetable if you can't complete the course by then due to time restraints but you do have to submit your test paper by the 25 October deadline or you get ungraded and have to sign onto the next course (and pay again).

Had a quick look on the forum and read a couple of posts, went to reply and found that there was no 'reply to post' button on the page! :confused: There also doesn't seem to be anywhere where I can start a thread. So it looks like I can't contribute to the course forums at the moment. Message duly sent off to the study advisers for the course.

Not a good start so far. My last module was a lot smoother than this one.


Recommended Comments

I'm sorry you have so many issues with the course. It will surely make me think again if I have the idea of signing up. Have you contacted anyone about these problems so far?


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