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Two Cases - A CGEM - A C9.25 and AR152



Another outing with the new CGEM - this time in daylight. I had the Explore Scientific AR152 Refractor on board with a Thousand Oaks white light glass solar filter.


I used 'Quick Align' then slewed to the Sun. You allow The Sun to be displayed on The Planet Menu by going to Utilities and enabling it.

Although the Glass Solar Filter is not quite as sharp as the Baader Astro Film, I really like the safety aspect of it. It can't rip or blow off in the wind and apparently the glass is quite hardy - scratch resistant etc.

I just feel better with the Glass Filter.

I need to remind myself what The Sun looks like as we approach The Transit of Venus on June 5th at 3.00 pm (PST).


OK changing the subject now.

Since I got the CGEM I've been looking around for cases. The Refractor came with its own metal case, but I need cases for the C9.25 and The CGEM.

The prices are disgraceful - I'm just not willing to pay $450 for a case! So I headed over to Walmart with an $100 budget. I was planning on checking out a Stanley 24 Gallon Mobile toolbox - but instead (in true Walmart fashion) I found two 31 gallon toolboxes for $25 each! They are just corrugated plastic. But because of their size they are really quite robust. You can easily sit on them without any problem.


I used the firm but soft foam that came with the scope and some extra computer foam to basically jam the scope in. This is not a flight case by any means but works great to transport the scope in the car and stop it getting banged around.


Likewise The CGEM mount. The Mount is really quite heavy and it will do damage to your other gear if left to slide around the back of your car.


Lets see - instead of 2 cases at $450 = $900 - these cases cost $50 in total - leaving $850 for eyepieces! Yipee!


Stacked together they make quite a good platform for maps, tea mugs, or to put your accessory cases on top.

P.S. The Sun was very quite - just one medium sized spot and maybe three very small ones. Should it not be busier?


Recommended Comments

Very nice equipment here. makes one want to drool a little. I love your pictures! The sun should have been more active no? Mind you, I myself have never ventured close to the sun and prefer night gazing myself.


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Thanks Isabelle, I was looking at The Sun again today and it was even more quiet with just one small group of spots (smalls ones too). On the equipment side, I think maybe (just maybe) I've finally tried enough different scopes to have a clue of what I like and what their strong points are. I usually sell off the old gear to part pay for the new gear - slowly edging towards the ultimate scope setup -I wonder what that will be :-) James

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The ultimate scope set-up,.. that sounds like a wonderful project to me! I'm afraid that I'm not there yet since things are a little complicated where I teach. Since it is in a native town and I am non-native, the house isn't mine. Building is limited and the children have little respect for the belongings of others. Maybe one day,..


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