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Blog 28072

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Teased out by clear sky and Jupiter

Jupiter showing itself through my front window teased me outside. I thought I could see the Seven Sisters too from my sitting room (low lights on) and once outside confirmed it was - 1st time this year. Caught a couple of 'shooting stars' - wonder if they where Perseids? Clearest night I've seen this Summer, I'm sure their will be a few out having a good one this morning. Will pop back out for another 1/2 hour if the clouds haven't moved in.



Finder a Success!

Got to test home-made finder tube at around 415am this morning when a couple of holes appeared in the clouds to reveal Capella and Jupiter. Ideal test subjects :) Tube works a treat. Using one eyed view, making sure the tube walls formed a concentric circle around the 'objective' end of the tube with Jupiter in the centre of the view - switch to look through binoculars and Jupiter perfectly centred (in right eye view at least - convinced there's a major collimation issue with my bins :( ). Jupit



Made sighting tube for Binoculars

Made a simple sighting tube for my 20x80 binoculars today. Used a soluble vitamin tube, 2 spring clips and a small bracing bracket which all sit nicely on top my basic binocular mount. Guessing the view angle is about 5 degrees. 'Discovered' the FOV on my binoculars is 3.5deg not 2.5!! Adjusted optics settings on Starmap Pro. Important stuff for developing my star hops. Still convinced I was looking at 81uma the other night not 83uma (which could have crept into the FOV at 3.5degrees). This may



1st Mounted Binocular Session In Years

Made a simple L mount for my 20x80 binoculars. Must have had them 20 years and never realised there was a mounting bush in the hinge - just shows what a bit of reading up can reveal! Gave them a quick test outside on what was not the clearest of nights. Decided to check out Mizar/Alcor pairing. Forgot how tricky it can be trying to find objects unprepared through a 2.5deg FOV. Found Mizar/Alcor and a third star at around 11o'clock in the FOV. Turned out to be 81Uma when I went back in to confirm



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