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The blog also contains updates as I go about AOSX - a mechanism to allow application developers and vendors to quickly and easily develop within OSX for Apple Macs. http://sourceforge.net/projects/aosx/

Entries in this blog

Igor it lives ... again...

Igor - it lives.. again. Apple have just replaced the MBP's complete circuit board for the failed GPU under the GPU repair scheme. Free to me.. but if it hadn't been covered it would have been at least £800. However my battery snuffed it during the time under the desk so that was replaced too. The Apple bods noted my hard drive was also on the way out - I'd known this for a while.. so I've fixed a replacement myself. In short the screen, keyboard, and case are about all that remain of the o



First alpha dogfooding :)

Well I managed to get a nice evening dogfooding: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/192900-atik-osx-drivers-r100-example-app/page-7#entry2530845 With some very basic first setup imaging - including the flame nebula and the horsehead. However the attempting to process the 5 minute subs this morning in PI was fine.. but then attempting aladdin this morning at the same time was too much for my poorly MBP. After a good 2 hours of power button pushing it got beyond a blank screen and DVD drive whirr t



Hmm MBP 2011 15" that I'm using is starting to die.. (along with 31,237 others)

Well I spent the day yesterday receiving a corrupt hard drive after a sudden black screen and then blank on boot.. given 10 minutes it restarted. Today I got another... exactly the same symptoms.. https://www.change.org/p/timothy-d-cook-replace-or-fix-all-2011-macbook-pro-with-graphics-failure It appears it's a wide spread graphics chip issue caused by the GPU desoldering it. What really annoys me is that this MBP was to replace a MBP that failed with the nVidia GPU-gate GPU.. so that's 2 MBPs d



Pure OpenCL version of the pipeline in progress :D

So, after much pfaffing - my C++/OpenCL pipeline implementation is just starting to come alive! :D Previously it was using Apple GCD, however it quickly became clear that GCD's ability to sort out it's concurrency (it has it's own cl_command_queue) isn't strong part.. but I'm happy that it's starting to execute kernels and it shouldn't be too long before the pipeline is back at full tilt with some much needed OO refactoring :) This makes it rather portable too :D



From: Garden Pier..

Source: Garden Pier.. http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/226305-garden-pier/page-3 Happy that I, finally, have this done. I've also put on a rapid curing cement in the hole. Currently sat waiting - just to see if we're ok for polar alignment :D



Day job put at risk - sorry for being quiet :)

Got a call, I was sort of expecting, that my role is being put at risk.. so the drivers are taking a back seat until I've managed to get some security back. Long road, travelled before, but still never nice to hear those words.



Realtime 17FPS registration/stacking..

So the GPU version _had_ a few annoying bugs that caused it to crash the GPU.. but after an hour or so of bug fixing.. it lives! http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/218697-atik-titan-gets-a-17fps-realtime-registration-test-d/ When I have time I'll get the camera out on a lens/scope and get a proper image but for tonight that's good enough :D



Just because of 256MB is 1/4 of my GPU memory...

You know you're pushing the boundaries when the development tools get scared.. GuardMalloc[ExampleApplication-42660]: If you really wanted to allocate so much memory, launch your executable with the environment variable MALLOC_PERMIT_INSANE_REQUESTS set to any value to circumvent this check. GuardMalloc[ExampleApplication-42660]: Explicitly trapping into debugger!!! GuardMalloc[ExampleApplication-42660]: Attempting excessively large memory allocation: 268435456 bytes GuardMalloc[ExampleApplicati



Not dropped off the planet..

Workload at work is current about 250%.. covering for boss and getting product launched means working from home to save time travelling.. 7am, shower,breakfast, enter office… quick lunch at 12 and then often sandrine only sees going to bed.. very little time to read forums let alone do any programming atm.. Next week it should ease off.. a bit..



R1.22 ATIKOSXDrivers ATIK One 6.0 support

In time for some SGL star party usage! http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/192900-atik-osx-drivers-r100-example-app/?p=2263424 A lot of water has passed under the bridge since 1.00, this latest release shows a real jump between 1.00 and now - it feels like a stepping stone. Perhaps a little bit of a pause after the 10.6.8 release considering some of my driver code goes back to 2011! I have many ideas and rework under the hood within ExampleApp is almost providing a base for these. However I have t



Slight pause in developments - DIYing again..

Folks, don't worry - I've not disappeared. I have been DIYing two things: * Spectrometer - giving me chance to dogfood the drivers further, I have some changes and I'm up to R1.15 from the previously released R1.13. * Bathroom - mrs would like the bathroom finished; including new wider towel radiator (think soldering pipe extensions under floorboards), underfloor heating loop and tiling. I managed to shatter the outer toilet so add a new toilet to the mix. This has been taking my 4 days of carry



ATIK OSX Drivers 1.07 & Example App (with all new OpenGL) incoming..

Just finishing the final testing on the 10.6.8 build and I'll put together the 10.8+ 64bit build.. The Example App has had an overhaul in the graphics display system. It's far faster and I have a couple more optimisations todo but I thought this would be a good point to release. You'll note that it lacks the ability to adjust the display brightness etc.. but I'll add that later.. however it scrolls, zooms etc and has a reticule...



Example App 1.05 available

I've released the 1.05 update - including the experimental bits.. http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/192900-atik-osx-drivers-r100-example-app/page-2#entry2128207



Interesting progress!

Well I've been making some interesting progress - all should be apparent soon enough! However - James @ Flo also found a bug in the 1.00 drivers that leaves the preamp on! Nice spotting! I'm up to 1.05 now (multiple changes/fixes).. safe to say the image quality has just shot up with James' fix! I'll shortly be putting together the next release.. There's some good fixes and some additions to the driver that some will find useful. Meanwhile.. I'm doing DIY...



House of boxes.

Well it's all gone a bit quiet recently as I've just moved house! Good news is it's ours and it has lots of space/garage/possible obsy. Bad news is the local street lighting is white but it's a sky of bright orange.



ATIK Progress (and AOSX)

I spent last night giving the drivers a final testing and fixing a couple of bugs in the Example App. I'll compile a 10.6.8 over the weekend, however the main version is ready for a full release - it's left me in a poignant mood. Looking at the emails I started this project in July 2011, and since then I've moved jobs, been to two weddings, see at least 5 kids born to friends, met/engaged/married, moved house, 99% through a house purchase and had a honeymoon in Hawaii (including going up Mauna K



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