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Flats for solar?

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How does one go about it as I have never used them before?

I am thinking it would be useful for dust bunnies and what I would like to do is get an even illumination in some Ha shots if it is even flats that will help with that.

I have often seen them mentioned but I'm not sure how to apply them. Is defocusing the image the best way to do it or is there a better way.

And when you are taking the flats is it just one frame or a short avi?

Is a slight drift going to make it all go pear shaped?

And finally once I have the flat frames captured then how to I process them with the normal avi in AS!2?

Sorry if these have been asked before.

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You can find a "clean" bit of Sun and defocus if possible - then run off a "normal" .avi of around 500 frames.  Make sure you use the same settings as you image!  In AS2 open your .avi and find "image calibration" - click on "make master flat" and AS2 will do just that for you, save when prompted.

When processing, open your .avi and then use "image calibration" again to "load master flat" before you do anything else!  The master flat remains loaded until you change it or close down AS2 - so you have to be careful if you have different .avi's with different exposures for example.  Hope that helps.

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Holy smokes it worked! :D

Many thanks for that, I can improve on it next time but looks like I will be taking flats in Ha from now on.

You can find a "clean" bit of Sun and defocus if possible - then run off a "normal" .avi of around 500 frames.  Make sure you use the same settings as you image!  In AS2 open your .avi and find "image calibration" - click on "make master flat" and AS2 will do just that for you, save when prompted.

When processing, open your .avi and then use "image calibration" again to "load master flat" before you do anything else!  The master flat remains loaded until you change it or close down AS2 - so you have to be careful if you have different .avi's with different exposures for example.  Hope that helps.

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