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They seem to be following the fashion for large, complex eyepieces. Evidently their marketing people hope to persuade us that we can see more by having extra obstructions between our eyes and the precious photons the objective lens or primary mirror has collected! Six elements (the ad. doesn't say in how many groups) is almost certainly going to entail an extra pair of glass-air surfaces, and pose centring problems. And all in a 'budget' eyepiece. However exciting wide field eyepieces may be, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that the best performance (contrast and resolution) is to be had from fewer and better pieces of glass - there's a reason why Clave Plossls and Zeiss Orthos remain so sought after!

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They seem to be following the fashion for large, complex eyepieces. Evidently their marketing people hope to persuade us that we can see more by having extra obstructions between our eyes and the precious photons the objective lens or primary mirror has collected! Six elements (the ad. doesn't say in how many groups) is almost certainly going to entail an extra pair of glass-air surfaces, and pose centring problems. And all in a 'budget' eyepiece. However exciting wide field eyepieces may be, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that the best performance (contrast and resolution) is to be had from fewer and better pieces of glass - there's a reason why Clave Plossls and Zeiss Orthos remain so sought after!

The more i read the more i am leaning toward a couple of Orthos as my high power planetary EPs. They might be a bit of work in the dob but the general feeling is that they will be hard to beat image wise.

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