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Equatorial platform?

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I have a Skywatcher 300 flextube auto Dob, and I am getting a Canon 1000D for deep sky imaging, and I wondered if anyone has tried the Watch House Equitorial platform for exposures up to 5 minutes, and what sort of results should I expect? any help would be greatly appreciated


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I assume you are talking about this:

The Watch House Equatorial Platform - equatorial-platforms-uk

Looks like a nicely turned piece of equipment, however I dont know whether you would be able to get 5min exposures. 5 minute exposures are difficult with EQ mounts let alone anything else.

The issue I have, with this, is that you are only relying on a compass to point you North whereas you will need fairly accurate polar alignment for astrophotography. I cant see how this can be achieved with this set up.

It looks like it essentially gives you a clock drive, which is fine, but again for this to work accurately you need accurate polar alignment. This is difficult without a polar scope.

That isnt to say it isnt any good. It might be worth a punt if the price is right but be warned you will only be limited to short exposure lengths.


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I have come across some pics taken with dobs on EQ platforms but as Digz states it is a whole different ball game when you look a long exposure imaging. I think the main idea behind these platforms is to allow dob owners the versatility of a large aperture at a competitive price while allowing the user up to a hr of tracking at high magnifications.

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Here is a DIY alternative for you. The engineering concept is very sound and the build seems relatively easy. Instead of a mechanical drive, the designer uses the weight of the scope to compress a bladder and uses a precise valve to control flow and therefore RA motion.

He claims very nice results with it - I can't say some of the other stuff on his website is as useful (some weird stuff there), but the engineer idea seems very interesting.

McCreary Mount Website


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Thanks for the replies, looks like I will have to take shorter exposures, and do more of them. I will experiment with the polar alignment, and probably find a fixed place to mount the scope for accuracy. I will post my results (good or bad!)


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