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Planetary imaging (newcomer)

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Hi can someone give me advice, i want to have a go at lunar and planetary imaging my setup is the Celestron 8se with variosu eye pieces and x2 balow & motor focus.

i have been looking at the DFK 31AF03 colour camera to attach to my 8se but is the mount that comes with the nexstar 8se good enough or do i need an equatorial mount. i was thinking about mounting the 8se on a solid concrete pier in a roll of roof observatory that's still in the planning stages,i dont have bottom less pockets but i have a buget of about £1000.



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The usual method for lunar/planetary is to take a small avi using a webcam or similar and combine them in registax (free download). If that camera will take such an avi it will do fine. The exposures are so short (fractions of a second) that the mount is also fine. In fact, you can take quite long exposures (20-30 seconds) using the se mount, depending on where you are looking in the sky.


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