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remote goto control (distance wiring / protocols etc )

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Do those adapter require power? If not, or only at one end only then this could be ideal as it removes the need to have a remote PC of some description. I'm off to measure up the distance from my PC here in the lounge to the patio at the top of the garden where the scope is... Hopefully it's round about the same...

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no neither adaptor requires power. however i'd suggest you plug it into a highpower usb port on your pc and with no other devices using up any usb power.

i have had it running all day with only 1 or 2 errors its been running at 30fps not sure what better for us when we will be observing/imaging?

1000secs dropped 1 frame out of 30,000


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Lee, not had a chance, we're running a major project at work and I've not had time. I've seen the SW focuser that's hand held, but not one that can be remote controlled. At £65 it's hardly worth going down the DIY route IMO

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amid power volt drop concerns at the scope this is my train of thought currently.

this setup saves buying the second cat5 to usb adapters and second cat5 cable run plus should give the needed power scope end.

only thing to test is that goto and focuser commands dont infringe on the bandwidth the camera is needing.

there maybe a cost saving buy selling the goto handcontroller and getting the eqmod (still investigating that)



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Looks interesting... I'm no expert, but I would still run two cables, especially if doing a permanent installation as 1) it's redundancy should the original fail, and 2) if you do suffer bandwidth issues when imaging and driving and focusing you have the option of using the second cable purely for the camera

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  • 4 weeks later...

will this project work with stellarium to control a eq5 goto with no hand controlller?


edit: aha seems there are 2 methods of connection! confirmation?

1 is serial or usb to 9 pin which presumably connects directly to the mount motors connection ( eq5 i think not ? )

2 is serial or usb to rj45 which connects to the power controller usually mounted on the tripod ( or built into the mount on HEQ5's ? )


so which to go for ? the power controller on the tripod is only needed if you want to guide also?

hmm that project has some errors me thinks? as how can you get power to the eq5 mount if power controller omitted! ?

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How about, get a cheap laptop with wifi capability, install Stellarium on it to control the scope so you no longer need the hand controller. Install the webcam and capture software to the same laptop and interface these as normal with the scope.

Run the entire lot of an inverter and control the laptop over RDP from the comfort of your chair via another laptop or home PC.

You could transfer the files over to your more powerful PC for processing via the same wifi link.

I haven't figured out how to get the focuser working but if it can be controlled from the same remote laptop then jobs a good 'un.

Cat5 cable will probably degrade if you leave it outside in the sun.

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