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hi guys

Some of you may have allready heard about or got this application but just incase here it is:

Star Walk is available on the app store for download. It is a lot like stellarium but for the iphone and I think it is a pretty good app.

Once you open the app you are given a planetarium which you can scroll around just like in stellarium. Using the iphones compass (if you have one), you can point your iphone skyward and it will show you on the screen whatever is on that patch of sky be it planets, stars or other DSO's. It also has labelled constelations which is great for beginners like myself so if you are out one night and are curious as to what constellation you are looking at just point the phone and it will show you. It is all real time and specific for your location. You can use the search menu to search for any object whether it be a solar system object, including comets, galaxies or other deep sky objects. You can also see satellites orbiting including the ISS. A thing called, sky live in the app shows you the rise and setting times of the visible planets of that day for example jupiter rose at 11:21 today and will set at 23:03 and will be at elevation 36 degrees in the sky, you can also check the data for the next day etc. Last few things are, picture of the day where some of the best pictures of the universe you will ever see are shown. Also as i said this is useful for astronomy, a great app to have beside you whilst looking through the telescope, you can easily switch it on to night mode (red) to keep your night vision.

This is a wonderful app and when i get my telescope i will be putting it to use, its great for the portability value seeing as it can be tricky to get a laptop etc with you. Id recommend to all who have an iphone, it is a payware app and i paid £2.99, it may be cheaper or dearer now not sure.

Hope this is of use


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I've got a few astro apps on my iphone to help with navigation and when theres loads of cloud gives me something to navigate round get used to the constellations and where stars are .... stellarium (free) , star walk (£1.79) , skysafari lite (£1.79) and pocket universe (£1.79)

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