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Getting started in widefield imaging

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I've already got a DSLR (a 30D) and a selection of M42 primes and an eBay adaptor to use these on the Canon on order. I've had a go at single image widefield shots before:

Astro Photography - a set on Flickr

I think I'm limited by not being able to track the sky. I've a good heavyweight tripod which I rescued from eBay for a tenner. It's good enough for film work but had a broken leg extension and went for peanuts. I'm also interested in imaging DSOs and I'd love to buy a reflector (80ED?) and a heavyweight mount like the EQ6 but I don't have the cash now but I will probably invest in the future.

Are there any alternatives I could look into for just using the DSLR and long lenses? Cheaper mount options for example? Or would I do better to just sit back and accrue the cash for a 2nd hand unmotorised EQ6 and add on the GOTO controls and motors later?

Or is there a cheapo reflector/mount combo I can look into for imaging? to get me started.

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The Astrotrac TT320x is a great widefield tracker that should fit on a heavyweight tripod but it's not cheap. A cheaper alternative might be to pick up an EQ3-2 or Vixen GP on the second hand market. The wider the lens you use, the less important the tracking accuracy. If you have a wide lens, you can take some reasonable exposures with a static tripod, observing the formula:

T = 600/F

Where T is the maximum exposure in seconds before star trailing becomes apparent and F is the focal length of the lens.

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