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Jupiter September 4th 2010


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As you might imagine, the skies in Blackpool aren't exactly conducive to astronomy at this time of the year. A certain Robbie Williams decided to switch on some lights on the prom inducing an orange sky glow made worse by the hazy sky, but nevertheless, I managed to get my best pics yet of the Jovial giant this apparition.

Both images were taken using a Celestron Neximage attached to a CPC925GPS SCT. Both AVIs stacked in Registax and a little curves applied in PaintShop Pro X.

The first image was taken using a Skywatcher 2" 2x ED barlow and the second with the same barlow and a TAL 2X barlow staked on top. I also used an Atik IR block filter for both images. Not as sharp as they could be, but bearing in mind atmospheric conditions, I'm reasonably please.

Thanks for looking,




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