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So what am I going to need??!


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OK, so I want to start imaging, but I don't want to go out buying a load of stuff that's going to cost a bomb and be inappropriate for the job.

I'm using a 9" Celestron dob, very old, which I want to turn into a standard newtonian by fixing it to an HEQ5. I was going to try and get away with not getting the synscan version and managing with motor drives - will this work? Or will it be too difficult or unstable?

Also, having seen other set ups, it looks like I'll need a guidescope. Is this a necessity, or can I do without?

Also, of course, there is the camera. The Atik 16ic-s looks alright for a starter, but has anyone tried on out? Is it too much of a cheapie? If so, what are the alternatives?

And what have I missed out? Will this lot be enough to start, or are there things that I cannot do without?

Really hope someone can help me here - I'm feeling pretty lost to be honest. Thank god observing isn't this complex..... Thanks in advance guys,


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If you are going to use the 9" dob as an imaging scope, you'll have to invest in a more sturdy mount than the HEQ5/EQ5. Go for the EQ6. (I use a HEQ5 Pro Synscan with an 8" Newtonian, and it's already overburdened.)

So... when you have that sorted out you'll need.

- Guide cam

- Imaging Cam. DSL/CCD

- Autoguider interface (GPUSB) if not standalone guider

- Baader MPCC (The reflectors have coma around the edges when used for photography. That needs to be corrected for.

- USB Hub

- Velcro

- Bits and bobs

- Computer with software (capture software, guide software, post-processing software, image editing software)

With good alignment you should be able to do 30-70 second exposures with no guide camera. If I were you I'd start there. Get a scope,

mount and camera sorted out and take it from there :-)

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If your going imaging i would ditch the newt completly and start out with a small 80mm refractor, its a lot easier to image with and then the heq5 will be suitable.

Atik 16 is a nice camera, chip is small but all are at these prices.

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Yeah, I was thinking about going for a little refractor - much less bulky and then I can still use my dob for mucking around! Has anyone tried out the SkyWatcher 190MN Maksutov Newtonian? Looks a bit pricey but looks pretty nice too for imaging! Man, this imaging lark is going to cost me....... ah well!

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I would start with a small refractor and a DSLR. This will give a nice wide field of view and make tracking and guiding relatively easy. With your Newt and a small CCD, the field of view will be tiny and will be very demanding on the mount and for tracking. A capable mount is the priority over the scope and imaging equipment.

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