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EQ6 Autoguide Mod

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Hi all,

Has anyone here successfully carried out an Autoguide Mod for the standard Skywatcher EQ6? I found instructions and tried to do this myself, but it's going wrong and I don't know why.

I followed the instructions in this link here -> http://www.store.shoestringastronomy.com/eq_mod.pdf

Although my hand-controller looks slightly different, (my power connector goes into the mount), the circuit board looks identical. Mount still works as normal, but as soon as I connect my Skywatcher Synguider the DEC drive fires into life and doesn't stop. I tried hooking up my laptop and the same thing happened.

Then I read somewhere that the Ground wire should be soldered in a different place to the instructions above...to the pin right next to where the red wire's connected. So I tried that, but the same result...DEC axis just goes crazy.

I've removed all the cables for now, but I would be very interested to hear from anyone who's successfully modded their EQ6 like this.



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