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Series of solar sketches


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Here's a collection of solar sketches I made in the past three weeks, while I was away on holiday. I did have a camera, but I felt much more relaxed and at home with the graphite pencils.

It was nice to see the progress of sunspot 1089 and the active region over the days. Unfortunately I didn't always have the possibility to sketch, so some of the in-between observations were only noted, not sketched...

I have presented them with black sky to simulate the view.

The first is a comparison of the Ha view and the white light view of sunspot 1089, presented in a rather unusual manner! Unfortunately the white light filter was not performing very well, and I struggled to see the detail


The second shows the same active region 1089 in white light the following day, in close-up. I re-made the filter and it worked much better, showing detail very clearly. It was a wonderful active region to observe.


The next is quick observation of Ha view of some lovely prominences and a spectacular filaprom - the first I've seen.


The same sketch presented in orange to simulate Ha.


This shows how the active region has (d)evolved over four days, from 23rd to 27th


Anticlimactic though it may be, it would be dishonest not to include this last one - a very rough sketch as I was pressed for time (on holiday!?). It combines some details from Ha and white light, showing sunspot 1092 - a lovely one, large and regular, in contrast to 1089.


Hope you like them.


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Those sketches are very good indeed Andrew, and very interesting accompanied by the explanations. You have been busy on Holday, but nice that you did obviously get some sunshine.

I hope you and the family had a lovely time, and got back home fully rejuvenated.

Welcome Back.


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